Page 26 of Alpha Male

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“Kira, my dear,” she exclaims before hugging me tightly. “I heard a rumor you were back in town.”

“Hi, Mavis.” I smile when she releases me. “I’m just here for Dad and then I will be on my way again.”

“But there is time for a cup of tea?” she asks.

“Of course.” I shrug as Mavis ushers me into the kitchen and prepares tea for us. When she takes a seat, I grin at her. Ididn’t think I would ever be happy in this town, but Mavis has always been good to me.

“I do have an ulterior motive for coming to visit you today,” I confess after taking a sip of my tea.

“Oh, what would that be?” Mavis asks as she places down her cup.

“I need to know how to break a mating bond,” I blurt out.

There’s no use in beating around the bush. I want out of this mating even if the thought alone is enough to cause pain deep in my chest. I know in my heart that a mating between Rowan and me would never work.

“Wow,” Mavis says calmly. “Is there a reason for this? Has your mate harmed you?”

“No, nothing like that, Mavis.” I sigh. “We haven’t even completed the mating, but I can’t be mated to him.” My eyes fill with unshed tears. “Anyone but Rowan,” I whisper.

“Oh, dear,” Mavis says softly before her arms wrap around me. “Are you sure?”

“Yes, I need a way out of this.” I nod vehemently.

“I’m sorry, Kira, but there is no straightforward way to do this.” Mavis sighs as she moves back to her seat.

“I don’t care if it’s hard. I know that wolves go through immense pain to break their mating. I will go through any amount of pain, anything,” I say earnestly.

“There is some pain involved, but nothing like I heard the wolves go through. Because you and Rowan haven’t fully mated, some things need to happen first,” she explains. “For two weeks, the two of you will have to spend time together, secluded from everyone else.”

I balk at her words, but Mavis holds up her hand. “After that, you can still choose to give up your mating bond, but it will come at a cost.”

For long moments, I remain silent. Two weeks? Fuck.What could be worse than that?

“What cost?” I ask hesitantly, not sure I want to know.

“You will both lose your ability to bear children,” Mavis says.



Sleep never came for me. I rolled around in my empty bed, trying to remain patient. I know Mavis said she had a plan, but I don’t know how any of this is going to turn out. There is way too much depending on this plan. I hate it when I don’t have full control over a situation.

As I sit in my office, a splitting headache assaults me just as a ruckus erupts at the front of the main house. I wish everyone would just quiet down and leave me alone, but it doesn’t seem like that’s in the cards for me today. After moving down the hall, I reach the front door and pull it open only to see three of my best guards on the ground and Kira standing tall over all of them.

“We need to talk,” Kira says as she stalks past me.

“Left,” I call out as she stands in the foyer. “My office is the last door. I will be there in a minute.”

I can’t hide how impressed I am by her right now. She took down three men who have years of training, and she doesn’t even look winded. After helping my men to their feet and making sure everyone is all right, I hurry back to my office.

“Fuck,” I say lowly as I walk into the room.

Kira sits on the corner of my desk, the heel of her boot pressed tightly to Silas’s throat. Kira seems bored as her gaze strays to mine, but Silas looks murderous.

“Finally,” Kira says while glancing at her nails. “Like I said we need to talk.”

“We can do that as soon as you let my beta go,” I reply,trying to seem unaffected.
