Page 266 of Alpha Male

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Before either of them could do anything, there was a rustling.

Their attentions were both turned toward the swaying underbrush. Shadows shifted there, splitting from the dark and spilling into the clearing. She spotted the glowing eyes. Magnus did as well.

Ten glowing eyes.

Five wolves.

Her stomach sank. Where was the sixth? Nari scanned the darkness, looking for any signs of him. She’d seen them in action. The young pack of lone wolves liked to use distraction. While Magnus was focused on the five in front of him, one would attack him from behind to catch him off guard. And then the others would attack.

But if she caught the other one first, she might be able to throw them off enough for … for what? So that Magnus could take them out first?

As a plan, it was weak, but at least it was something. She raked her hands through her hair. That would be easier to believe if she knew what he was.

Her gaze swept over the scene and to the edges of a too-small window. Where was he?

Ulf’s low growl alerted her that someone was in the house, but it was too late. She’d been too worried about what was going on outside to even consider what was going on inside.

Cursing her stupidity, Nari turned.

“Looking for me?”

He filled the doorway, leaning against the frame as if he owned the place and had all the time in the world.

The alpha of the pack.

Her smile was humorless, though she did get some satisfaction at the ugly wound where his left eye used to be. Nari just wished she could have taken them both before she’d made her escape.

He pointed at the angry hole in his face. “Admiring your handiwork?”

“As a matter of fact, I am.” She stepped in front of Ulf deliberately, needing to protect him. If anything happened to him, she knew how devastated Magnus would be.

His lone muddy brown eye didn’t miss anything. “I appreciate you trying to protect the dog. I mean, we’re all canines in here, aren’t we? I wouldn’t hurt him. Not deliberately. I won’t hurt you either.”

“But you’d stick me back in a crate before setting god-knows-what loose on me for fun and profit?”

“That was never going to happen. I would never do that to a creature as beautiful or as unique as you.” His toothy smile sent worms of unease into her bloodstream. “You’re mine.”

“I doubt that the people who hired you would be pleased with you for taking me away from their hunt. They need a prize.”

“I don’t give a shit about them. No one is taking you away from me.”

How ironic that this male wanted her and her own mate wanted to push her away. Nari had hoped that Magnus was coming around, and he certainly seemed to be, but wasn’t it just her luck that nothing was resolved before these jerks turned up?

He studied the rumpled bed as he sniffed the air deeply. His eye glittered as he glared at her. “Did you fuck him?”

If only. Though, she reminded herself, lust didn’t necessarily mean that Magnus was now a willing mate. Crossingher arms, she held his gaze and did her best to give nothing away. “That’s none of your business.”

“Doesn’t matter.” He gave her a considering look as he ran his hands through his sandy hair, leaving it even wilder looking than before. “If you come with me now, without a fuss, we won’t hurt him.”

Nari let out a humorless laugh. “I was just about to suggest the same thing.”

The speculation in his gaze only intensified, but he nodded. “Let’s go.”

She led the way out of the room, closing the door behind them so Ulf couldn’t follow, then started slowly down the stairs. “Why do you even want me? Your pack would never accept me.”

“They’ll accept whoever I tell them to accept. I want you, and I will have you.”

Nari rolled her eyes. “Glad to see you thought it over carefully.”
