Page 27 of Alpha Male

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“Your beta has no manners,” Kira says as she applies more pressure to Silas’s throat. “And he doesn’t know when to take a hint.”

I feel my panther stir to life, already protective of Kira. “What did Silas do? Perhaps it was just a misunderstanding.”

“I don’t know how I could have misunderstood his hand on my ass,” Kira snarks. “But please, why don’t you explain to me.”

A growl leaves me, and before anyone else can react, I have my beta out of the chair and pushed against the closest wall. My grip on his neck is harsh as I growl directly into his face. I can feel the shift start to take hold of me as my canines and nails elongate, ready to rip anyone who would dare touch Kira.

“Interesting,” Kira says before she places a hand on my shoulder. “You can let him go now, Rowan.”

Her voice calms my inner beast instantaneously. My panther actually purrs just at the feel of her hand on us. My hand releases Silas immediately. He gasps for air while rubbing his neck.

“What the fuck, Rowan?” Silas asks hoarsely.

“Get out!” I roar, sending him scurrying from the room.

Behind me, Kira laughs. “I’m glad to see this is fucking with your head too.”

Breathing deeply, I take the seat behind my table. I wait for Kira to sit as well, but she doesn’t. Instead, she walks the perimeter of my office, touching my books and looking at the photos hanging on the walls. I’m content having her in my space, but I’m still on edge.

“You wanted to talk?” I ask, trying to keep my voice even.

“Yes.” Kira turns to face me. “I spoke to Mavis. Before we can end the mating bond, we must spend two weeks secluded from the pack. My father’s funeral is in two days. You have untilthen to get your affairs in order.”

“Are you telling me what to do?”

“Yes,” she replies immediately. “You can either do what I say, or I will leave after the funeral and you can have a mate wandering the world without you forever. It doesn’t bother me either way.”

She looks so nonchalant as she lays all of this out for me, but the pounding of her heart gives her away. She needs me to agree.

“Fine,” I say, trying to look put out. “Do you have a place in mind?”

“I do,” she replies before walking out of my office.

Chapter Six


Standing here alone, in the early morning light, I bid farewell to the last family member I had. As they lower my father into the ground, a tear escapes down my cheek. My attention is entirely focused on what’s happening in front of me, which is how I miss him at first. But when Rowan wraps his arms around my middle from behind, I break.

I didn’t know I needed someone to hold me up until he was there. I don’t want to show any weakness in front of anyone, but this is a special circumstance. It’s not every day you bury your father. Instead of pushing him away like I should, I turn in his arms, bury my face in his chest, and let the tears flow.

Rowan doesn’t speak a single word as we stand there. He simply holds me. Before long, rain starts to pelt down on us, and still, he remains. Strong and sturdy.

“We’re getting soaked,” I croak into his chest, trying to regain my composure.

“Doesn’t matter,” he replies close to my ear. “We can stand here as long as you need.”

“I’m okay now,” I say, pulling away from him. “We should head back.”

Rowan nods before moving into step beside me, worry etched in the lines on his face. He wraps his arm around my shoulder again, pulling me to him. His warmth and scent comfort me, making me feel better in this desolate, heart-breaking moment.

In the back of my mind, I know I shouldn’t let him comfort me, but I can’t push him away. Later, maybe tomorrow, when I am back to myself, I’ll be able to re-erect my walls and keep him out. One thing is for certain: I can’t get used to having Rowan there because this mating will be over in two weeks.

When we reach the outskirts of town, I finally try to pull away, but Rowan holds on firmly. My gaze strays to the side of his chiseled face, taking in his clenched jaw.

“Not now,” he says lowly so only I can hear.

I want to argue, but then I see what has him so suddenly tense.Odette.It’s nice to see some things haven’t changed. She looks exactly the way she did in high school. Always trying so hard to be the center of attention. My gaze tracks her as she makes a beeline directly for us.
