Page 49 of Alpha Male

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“Perhaps,” I mumbled.

“Enough.” He placed his hand on my shoulder and halted my marching. “You will shift now, and we will run home. I’ve been patient so far, but you’re my mate, and Iwilltake care ofyou.”

“Fine.” I unbuttoned my jacket and threw it at him.

He caught the garment effortlessly before it hit him in the face and opened my backpack to stuff the material inside. I continued stripping, cursing him under my breath the entire time. His stupid lips held an amused smile. It made him even more appealing.

Damn the man.

“Do you have to watch?” I lifted an eyebrow.


I narrowed my eyes.

He shrugged. “Mates, remember? No apologies.”

I unclipped my bra, tossed it at him, and then yanked off my panties. His gaze never left me. I didn’t expect it to. I assumed he’d pounce on me, but he didn’t. He met my glare. I found nothing but approval in his gaze. A curious warmth filled my chest. I embraced the wolf I’d hidden inside myself for way too many years. The change happened quickly, as though I’d performed the shift yesterday. I raised my chin to stare at Titus. From this position, he looked even more impressive. Bigger. Stronger. More capable of taking care of me.

He kneeled before me and held out a hand. I padded closer, inquisitiveness getting the better of me. My nostrils quivered as I sniffed his outstretched hand. His scent was even stronger in my wolf form. Even more arousing. He stroked his firm hand over the top of my head.

“You’re a beautiful wolf, Kara. White wolves are rare around here.” He ran his hand down my back. “And your blue eyes are just as spectacular in wolf form.”

A rumble of pleasure filled my throat from his words and his touch.

His hand stopped petting me, and I wanted to snap at him to never stop. He stuffed the rest of my clothes into the backpackand placed it on the ground. In a burst of fur, he shifted into his wolf form. A silver-gray wolf stood before me with eyes of liquid gold. He was beautiful as a wolf too. And large. Much bulkier than me. And his scent. In our wolf forms, I couldn’t deny he was my fated mate. I dropped to the ground in a submissive pose. If a wolf could smile, his face would be smiling. I detected his pride in his posture. His acceptance as he stepped over the top of me and nuzzled my neck with his nose.

Titus turned away and gripped my backpack in his mouth. He looked at me once and then bound off over the lush grass. I scrambled to my feet and chased him. Luna help me, it was exhilarating being in wolf form again. Even more so loping behind Titus. His wolf was so fast, I found it hard to keep up. Plus, I was unfit in this form. Sure, I’d been running for years in human form, but my wolf form required different muscles. Ones I hadn’t used for a long time.

As our strides ate the ground, the trees whizzed by in a blur. An icy flake of snow landed on my nose. I shook my head and picked up my speed. The storm was almost on us, and I didn’t want to be stuck out in the snow. Garth had chased me into the snow twice, and it hadn’t been pleasant. Frozen fingers and toes hurt. I wouldn’t get frostbite as a shifter, but in human form, the cold could be debilitating. Freezing was something I’d rather avoid. Above all, the memories of my family that blended with the notion of freezing to death sent panic through my limbs.

More flakes of snow fell on our pelts, but we didn’t suffer them through the thick fur. Titus was right, I was warm in wolf form. Before long, the sky was a curtain of white and the ground was blanketed with white flakes.

Then a house appeared through the white veil. Titus bounded up the steps of the cabin. He shifted mid-stride and opened the door. I dashed inside and shook the damp snow from my body before the ice melted through my fur coat.

Titus laughed, having already shifted, my bag at his feet, and kicked the door shut against the whooshing gale whipping against the windows. He methodically shut all the curtains and lit the prepared stack of wood in the stone fireplace. Flames flared to life, making shadows dance over the walls of the cabin.

“Welcome home, love.”

I inched closer to the fire, glad for the warmth already blazing from the freshly lit timber.

“You can shift now.”

I plonked myself on the rug in front of the fire and stared at the flames.

“Kara, Kara,” he tsked. “You can’t hide from me.”

I laid my head on my paws.

Titus sat next to me. Still naked. Still glorious. He ran a hand over my slightly damp fur repeatedly until I drifted off to sleep.



My mate was stubborn. And magnificent in both forms. I couldn’t wait to claim her, but she’d fallen asleep. The run had been hasty, but from the way she’d fallen asleep, it was like she hadn’t slept properly in years. I lay next to her and gathered her in my arms. She’d shift. I’d make sure of that. And then we’d talk.

The clock on the wall ticked as I stared at the gift of my mate.
