Page 74 of Alpha Male

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A sudden thud vibrated through their slim corridor. Then the stones seemed to sigh.

“What was that?” she asked, looking around.

“The castle gate shutting.” He grinned. “We’re alone.”

“Have you done this before?”

“Well, yes, but not for decades?”


He laughed. “Come on, this place is cool at night.”

Chapter Four

Nisha stepped into the encroaching dusk with her hand slotted into Ivor’s. She didn’t know how it had gotten there. He was like no one she’d ever met. He just did whatever the hell he wanted.

And that kiss.


Her toes had curled in her shoes, her knees had weakened, and her heart had flipped. She could still taste him—it was a dark, sexy flavor she wanted more of, one she could become hooked on.

It’s like he’s cast a spell on me.

“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” He gestured to the stone keep standing proud on its mound. A Welsh flag, complete with a red dragon, flapped from the highest point. “Let’s go up there.”

“Sure.” As she strode up the wide stone steps with him, she had a feeling she’d go anywhere with this mysterious and slightly strange man. He was wildly handsome in his own way, over-confident, but somehow that was sexy in him. And he was interfering in her life as though she’d become special to him in an instant.

He’s special.

“The things these old walls have seen,” he was saying. “Centuries of fighting and celebrations, births and deaths, love and betrayal.”

“You a history buff?”

“Let’s just say the past stays with me.” He grinned.

She had no idea what that meant but smiled back. “These steps are steep.”

“Yeah, but it’s cool once you get inside.”

They went through the archway in the turret and into the shadows of the round interior. There was no roof, just enormousgray stone walls. Nisha paused to catch her breath and look around.

“Without the crowds”—Ivor held out his arms and spun three-sixty, face to the darkening sky—“you can really be who you want to be.”

She smiled, tipped her head back, and took a deep breath. “Yeah, it does feel like the rest of the world is a million miles away.”

Suddenly, he was in front of her, taking her hands. “Do you want it to be?”

She opened her eyes and stared into his. The green was flecked with amber now, as if they’d heated. “Er, yes, I do. I want this arranged marriage, Rishi, and the expectations of my family to be on a different planet. Hell, I want all of that to be in a different universe.”

“So let’s make it that way.”

“Ivor.” She shook her head. “That’s not reality.”

“Could you, for a moment, just pretend what you think you know about reality is all wrong, not real at all?” He’d spoken with such earnestness.

“I … I don’t know what you mean.”
