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“Olivia, bro.Who else?”

Smug son of a bitch. “Fuck you—she’s just a pussy to fuck.”

His brow rose, skeptical, before he opened his arms wide, looking around where most of the people we went to school with were waiting for some action. “Why are you making a scene then, huh? If she’s just a fuck, you should share her around. We’re a crew—we share our leftovers.”

Share Olivia? Over my dead body. Right then and there, the images of her face as Liam ate her cunt flashed before me… followed by Jet’s face… then Ro’s, then all these other random men as she screamed in pleasure.

My heart was squeezing so tightly it was starting to hurt to breathe. Fuck. What was happening to me?

I didn’t realize that Jet was coming towards me until my gaze focused again and he was right before me, giving me a concerned look. “Straighten up your shit, man,” he muttered. “If you’re not going to get her, someone else will. Then you’ll be shit of out luck.”

When he came over and tapped my shoulder before he started moving away, I called him out again to finish the fight, but he kept on walking, yelling back, “Sort this shit out before you lose in your own game.”

I’m not playing a game, I wanted to yell after him, however my mind was too troubled to comprehend anything. Jet liked mind fucks, and he certainly had a knack of messing with me where Olivia was concerned. Occasionally, I wondered if he truly was attracted to her or he was just baiting me without any real desire behind all the fuckery.

Reluctantly, I jumped back in my car, feeling worse than before. I wanted to punch something, maybe even crash my car so I could feel the pain. I needed something real, like seeing a gush of blood or a massive cut that I could blame the pain on. Confusion made me antsy. I regretted leaving my apartment without that handy bag of blow to chill me out.

I wasn’t sure where to go, so I restlessly drove around. Heading first to Malibu then Santa Monica, Sunset Boulevard then towards Westwood again. I drove around campus before I ended up right outside her apartment complex. This wasn’t the first time this had happened. Ever since she’d moved in, I would always randomly drive through here.

Killing the engine, I stared at my dashboard, contemplating my next course of action. After how things had ended up earlier, I wasn’t sure how she’d respond to seeing me at the moment.

I was being honest with her when I had said I hadn’t been planning on having sex with her—I truly hadn’t. But that tiny, little skirt had fucked with my mind, and after seeing how guys were finding her irresistible, my possessiveness had taken over. I remembered thinking it was my life’s mission, in that instant, to mark her as mine. I had made sure to leave kiss marks on her neck, to thrust as hard as I could while hammering into her so she’d throb for a few days, and lastly, coming into her tight walls had easeda littleof the insane jealousy I had felt the moment I’d found her in Jet’s arms.

For an hour, I sat in my car, eyes closed as I rested my head against the headrest, replaying her face over and over again in her bathroom. That face wasn’t the face of a woman who was innocent anymore. It was a face of a woman owning her sexuality, unafraid to show how sensual she was to the world. How she’d changed… from the blushing shyness of a barely blossoming girl into a woman who thrived on a high sex drive.

Checking the time, it indicated that it was almost five-thirty in the morning. If I didn’t make a decision this instant, I’d have to suffer the glaring brightness of the early morning sun, and I’d be miserable after not sleeping for almost two days in a row.

I groaned as I reached into my glove compartment. “Fuck it,” I muttered under my breath as I took out the keys and slid out of my car with my heart restarting back to life.

My heart rate sped up at the thought of going into her place uninvited, yet she and I had gone past normal civility. We’d always been at war with each other, however this time, it felt more genuine.

It was terrifying, but I wasn’t going to lie, this crazy chase, the heated back and forth as we fought lusting after one another, turned me the fuck on like no one ever could.

My cock was semi-permanently hard where Olivia was concerned. From the first time I had met her, I’d been blue-balled ever since.


I was dreaming.Sub-consciously, I knew I was. I tried to make myself wake up so I could snap out of this horrid dream; nothing seemed to work.

It was dark—pitch black—and I had been running for quite some time now. Not the leisurely kind of run, but running as if something or someone was hounding me. From time to time, there would be a faint flash of light coming from somewhere that would give me a glimpse of my surroundings. Apparently, I was running in the middle of a residential road lined with mahogany trees. The eerie silence was deafening, and the only thing I could hear was the loud, thumping beat of my heart against my chest as well as the ragged way I was breathing—shallow and sharp, sounding like I was about to die soon.

In the dream, I was wearing what I’d had on earlier, sans my Havaianas. The asphalt felt moist, as if it had just rained, though there were no puddles anywhere. However, the more I progressed, the asphalt remained moist on my feet, then it gradually started to get hot. Not scalding hot, but hot enough for me to notice. I didn’t want to stop running because I wanted to get home. That’s when a flash of orange appeared from afar and somehow made my heart stop.

The orange glow would disappear and reappear after I blinked again. The amplified sound of my heart echoed everywhere, like the ones in the movies, while the glow kept coming closer to me.

Frozen and locked in place, the glow became fire. A dancing fire with bright blue lighting from its base, flickering before my eyes as it rapidly advanced towards me. The fire got bigger and brighter the more it accelerated to where I stood frozen, readying to engulf me whole. The scorching heat felt like it was melting my skin as it burned the ends of my hair before it literally lit me on fire and completely destroyed me.

I watched myself burn, screaming and shrilling in the most painful way. The echoes of my cries were so spine-chilling it reminded me of a dying animal as it helplessly lay injured and wounded after getting shot. The curling sound of death closing in as you begged for your life yet knew there was no chance of survival.

The light dispersed, but my howling, eerie screams kept vibrating everywhere before complete darkness enveloped me. Pitch black with the sound of my beating heart coupled with my shallow breaths reverberated everywhere. A swishing sound coalesced with the rampant, galloping beat of my heart before it got louder and louder, deafening me as I tried to cover my ears to make it go away. Nothing worked. And it felt like it was going to make my ears bleed and my chest burst from the force of the sound. Gripping my ears, I belted out the loudest scream I could make.

Then pitch black greeted me in silence once more. There was no sound of my breaths or the beat of my heart. Just complete, utter silence while my eyes scoured for something—anything—yet I couldn’t see a thing. It was as if I was blind and the only companion I had was myself.

After a full minute of nothingness, my panic escalated, feeling as though this was my new prison. I tried to call out for help, however no sound came. In my mind, I was screaming, saying “no, no, this can’t be happening to me,” but I couldn’t hear myself speak aloud.

My skin prickled as my hands touched the base of my throat. Tears formed in my eyes. I was crying, though no sound could be heard. The intensity of the prickling came to a point where it was starting to hurt, as if my skin was being pulled off or being suctioned. When I took a sharp turn to avoid the excruciating sensation something greeted me from a few feet away.

It was a black casket… with two large, gilded pillar candleholders floating on both ends. Flickering steadily. Waiting.
