Page 121 of Grey

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I spun around and faced him, frowning at his beautiful face. “Why didn’t you just tell me that on that night? Why’d you have to be so secretive about everything?”

“Because I needed to make sure you still loved me. Even though you told me how you felt, I still had doubts. People say things even if they don’t mean it…”

So had those doubts been reassured? “Do you believe it now?”

His face softened, his eyes caressing every contour of my face. “Your eyes tell me all the time.”

Good, at least that was one problem out of our way. “It would be a shame if you didn’t…because I haven’t felt this kind of intensity, not even with Liam…” I trailed off before asking him a vital question. “What if she won’t agree to a divorce?”

“She will—don’t worry about it,” he blurted out as if it was already a given and Edith’s obsessive personality wouldn’t hinder his decision.

“How sure are you?” Didn’t he know Edith? She’d probably do something again to get his attention. I wouldn’t put it past her. Years of knowing her made me believe she wouldn’t let him go that easy. No, never Edith.

He smirked, his eyes glinting at my question. “I made sure my lawyer had it in the pre-nup in the eventuality you came after me and was tempted to sample some of your lady bits.”

“You’re fucking me with me.” This was so not the time to make a dumb joke. What the hell?

A sexy, deep-bellied laugh tickled him crazy before he said with sincerity, “I’mdyingto fuck you.” He brought my hand to squeeze and feel how hard he was, but I wasn’t going to be distracted, not yet.

“Be serious.” I pleaded. “Don’t joke about this.”

He gazed at me before giving me the truth. “Don’t judge, but it’s true. I really made sure there was a clause stating ‘In any case Olivia Taylor yada yada yada.’” His voice had a smile to it, yet his eyes told me he wasn’t lying at all.

However, what kind of guy would make sure to place a clause like that? I questioned his sanity or the lack of it. “You’re crazier than I am.”

“Old news babe.”

Guess we were two of a kind. Ha. But then again, we were not a normal couple. We never were and I doubted we ever would be. “I don’t understand. If you hated me then… well, why put it there in the first place?”

He shook his head as if he was wondering why I asked that question. Kissing me on the lips, his hands then cradled my face. “You’re my soul mate, Liv. You were bound to come back to me sooner or later, whether I wanted it or not.”

Was he high? ‘Cause this crap was a little too much when I was sober. “Okay, that’s plain mental right there.”

He groaned, seeming as if he was losing patience, but he surprised me by picking me up. I clung on to him before he planted a kiss in between my breasts then looked up at me, showing me what was inside his soul. “Ever since third grade, that mental sentiment hasn’t changed. One day, you shall see just how much I mean it.”

My heart swelled, feeling overwhelmed by so much love for him. “You didn’t even question it?”

“Never,” he said without hesitation.

My brow rose. “Not even once?”

“Never meansnever,” he grunted out as if I should know better.

“Don’t be such a smartass!” Smacking his shoulder, I giggled when his teeth playfully bit into my nipple through my robe.

He groaned loudly before his lips started to drift farther into the robe, wanting to taste my skin. “Ugh, speaking of ass… where were we?”

“Aw, hell to the no!” I screeched before he barked out a laugh and took us back inside the cabin.


“So…how does it feel to bring this out on the surface?” Mom grinned at the both of us.

We were having lunch with Brett and Mom the day after they got back from their vacation. They looked tanned and healthy. My mom had a beautiful glow in her that had never been there before.

“I think it’s so much easier compared to the last time, I can tell you that,” Grey butted in before giving me a kiss on the forehead.

I was overjoyed they didn’t have any complaints about it, yet it felt like they weretooaccepting of it, as if they didn’t have any reservations over whether this would work out. The nagging feeling I had was somehow on point because I got my answer in the middle of dessert.
