Page 21 of All We Have

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I thought maybe we could get out of this insane conversation. The problem was I wanted Jane—fiercely. And I didn't know what to make of any of this. Sherry stopped by and chatted with us for a few minutes. All the while, I was hyperaware of every subtle move Jane made. I heard the slide of her silky camisole when she adjusted it. I heard the motion of denim when she crossed her legs. It felt as if something had fallen around us, a shimmering net filled with sparks colliding against each other and multiplying the heat factor by thousands. I was accustomed to feeling in control, especially with women, yet this entire evening had spiraled well out of my control.

After Sherry left, Jane spoke again, “I shouldn't have brought that up. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable.”

“There’s no need to apologize,” I replied, trying to keep my tone level and casual to keep my mind off imagining what she would feel like beneath me.

“I must have misread something,” she added.

“Huh?” That was how much my conversational skills had devolved.

“I thought there might be some chemistry between us, so it might be something you wanted. I should’ve known better.” Her dry tone was almost self-deprecating.

I didn't like that, not at all. “You didn't misread anything,” I insisted.

Jane rolled her eyes. “Clearly, I did. You looked shocked for a few minutes there. Don't worry. It’s no big deal.”

The server brought our check, and we almost got into an argument over who was paying. Jane finally gave in when I told her that Thea would give me hell if I let Jane pay for dinner.

We drove home, the entire ride silent. My cock still ached, and I was torn over what to do. My good angel told me to respect Jane.

Don't take her up on this crazy proposition because it is crazy. She's a virgin, but she's a nice woman. She deserves to be with a man who can give her something serious.

I'd never had a single serious relationship in my life, nor had I even contemplated one.

When we got back to the house, Jane practically ran up the stairs and waited impatiently at the door. After we stepped inside and she moved to hang up her coat, I went and said something stupid. “You were wrong.”

“About what?”

“Misreading the situation. A part of the problem is I want you. Too much.”

Her head whipped up. She had just hung her jacket on the coat rack beside mine. I noticed the way her nipples pressed against her silk camisole. It was chilly in the foyer. It always had been.

When I saw the doubt flickering in her eyes, I did the next stupid thing. She was standing right in front of the door with her back to it. I took two strides, closing that distance between us. She took a step back, her breath hitching in her throat when she collided with the door.

“What are you doing?” she whispered.


Although desire was running hot in me—at this point, it was lava in my veins—I forced myself not to rush this. I might be sane enough not to be the one to take her first time from her, but I would give her a kiss and make sure she knew she hadn't misread anything. I just wasn't the right guy for her. I wasn't the right guy for anyone. Not right now.

Lifting a hand, I reached up and caught the thin tie she used to hold up the twist in her hair. As soon as I pulled it out, her hair fell in a glossy tumble around her shoulders. I let my hands slide through the locks. Moving slowly, I gave her a chance to tell me to back the fuck off. I dipped my head and dropped a kiss at one corner of her mouth and then the other. I felt the whisper of her breath when she let out the barest whimper. Then I brushed my lips across hers, before finally angling her head to the side and claiming her mouth.

She might not be mine, but at this moment, her mouth was. As soon as our lips met, it felt as if lightning sizzled through my body. She let out another whimper, and her tongue darted out to glide against mine. I lost control of that kiss in a blazing hot second. My control was like a leaf falling into a bonfire and burning to ash.

I was devouring her mouth, taking deep sips of her. She was warm and sweet, and I could taste the plummy tones of wine on her tongue. By the time I came up for air, I was plastered against her. I hadn't even realized I'd hooked my free hand under her knee and lifted it as I rocked my arousal into the cradle of her hips. The sound of our ragged breathing echoed in the foyer.

I was stunned. I dragged my eyes open. Her gaze met mine, heavy-lidded and dark. Before I could form a thought, I was kissing her again. Because it was theonlything to do. My hands were greedy, sliding up to cup her breasts, my thumb rubbing over her nipple through the silk. I growled into her mouth when she arched into me, rocking her hips against the hard ridge of my arousal.

My good angel finally broke through the haze of need and raw lust clouding my mind. I tore my mouth free of hers again, leaning my head back to gulp in air.

“Now, do you see?” I asked when I leveled my eyes with hers again.

She blinked and nodded. I honestly didn't know how I did it, but somehow, I untangled myself from her and stepped back. She remained leaning against the door, her palms flat against it. She stared at me with her lips kiss-bitten, her cheeks flushed and her eyes hazed with desire.

It wasallI could fucking do not to lift her into my arms, carry her upstairs, and fuck her for hours. Because I didn't know if I would ever get Jane out of my system. And that was the crux of the problem.

For the second time tonight, she left me speechless. When I realized I didn't know what to say, I simply turned and went upstairs, walking straight into the bathroom to take an ice-cold shower. Despite my painfully aroused state, I resisted the urge to take care of matters in the shower, telling myself this need would pass. It was no use. I woke up in the darkness later and ended up finding my release with my hand. It was nothing compared to what I knew it would feel like if I was buried inside Jane. I'd lost my fucking mind over that kiss.

