Page 120 of Chasing Hadley

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She draws anXacross her heart with her fingertip. “I swear on my heart.”

I press my fingers to the brim of my nose. I must be crazy for considering her offer, but it might be the best solution, except … “And how are you going to get Hadley out of this mess? I mean, do you even know what’s going on?”

“Actually, I do. Probably even more than you do.” She steps closer to me and lightly brushes her finger along my forearm. “Give me an hour, and I promise I’ll fix everything.”

I trade a look with Jaxon, who nods and mouths, “Do it. It’s better than asking Dad.”


I focus back on Amelia. “And what if you don’t fix it?”

She shrugs. “Then you can go ask your dad for help.”

God, I can’t believe I’m about to do this.

“Fine, it’s a deal.”

“Fantastic.” She blows me a kiss. “Meet you at your place in an hour, gorgeous.” She skips down the hallway and pushes out the door.

“Why do I have the most unsettling feeling I just made a big mistake,” I mumble.

“Give her an hour before you start freaking out,” he says. “If she doesn’t follow through, we’ll figure out another way.”

I stare out the window, watching her as she jogs eagerly across the grass to her car. “What I really want to know is why she’s even helping us at all. And why does she need me to pretend to be her boyfriend at this little party she’s throwing this weekend.”

A crease forms between his brows. “I’m not sure, but I’m sure it’ll be okay. I mean, it’s just a party, right?”

He gives me an insinuating look, and I hold my breath, waiting for him to bring up the whole sleeping-with-Amelia thing.

Instead, he says, “I won’t say anything to anyone.”

I breathe in relief. “Thanks, little bro.”

He nods, but worry floods his eyes. “You’re okay, though, right?”

“Of course.” I nod, pretending like I am.

I’m not, though. No, there’s a lot of things that have me on edge, like allowing Amelia to help Hadley. But I don’t see another choice.

When it all comes down to it, if Amelia can follow through with her end of the deal and actually get Hadley out of this mess, it’s the best scenario in this mess her dad’s gotten her into.

The worst being she’ll end up having to pay for her father’s debt. Same goes for my father—another problem I’ve got to come up with a solution to.

I need to call my dad again and force him to talk to me, but not while I’m with Jaxon.

“How about I drop you off at your appointment?” I tell him as we push out the doors. “Wait. Where’s Rhyland? I thought he said he was taking you after school.”

“He had to run down to the shop.” Jaxon shields the sunlight from his eyes with his hand. “I guess some tourist was passing through and their car broke down, and Jay needed help fixing it. He said to text Alex to take me, but he didn’t answer his phone or reply to the messages I sent.”

Great, another problem to deal with.

They’re really starting to pile up.

This is why I didn’t want to get involved with Hadley’s mess. But, for reasons I’m not sure I fully understand yet, I can’t just leave her to fend for herself.

“We really need to get you to pass that driving test,” I tease as we hike across the parking lot toward my SUV.

“I’ve tried to, like, five times already.” He stares at the road. “I don’t think driving is in the cards for me.”
