Page 132 of Chasing Hadley

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“Why not?” She flips the visor back up then sinks back into the seat, crosses her arms, and waits.

There’s something oddly unsettling about this situation yet weirdly familiar.

“Have we …? Have we ever met before?” I ask.

She shakes her head. “No.”

I chew on my lip, feeling as though maybe I’m going insane. “Are you sure?”

“Positive.” Then she reaches over and tucks a strand of hair behind my ear. “You’re way too unforgettable to forget.”

I can’t tell if she’s hitting on me, screwing with my mind, or trying to distract me from asking more questions.

I could keep asking questions, keep playing this weird, warped, twin game they’ve got going on, but I’m fucking exhausted and want to get back home so I can talk to Blaise. Because, boy, oh boy, do I have a lot of questions for him, starting with why he appeared in some random memory of mine from a long time ago.



It’s late enoughthat the streets are fairly vacant, the sky is dusted with stars, and the moon is full. The stillness of the town makes it easy to get to my house in just under five minutes, especially when not a single police car is in sight.

When I pull into the driveway of what I hope is still my place of residency, all the lights are off. Of course they are. Why would they be on when no one’s home? Part of me—and maybe a naïve part—secretly hoped, some miracle would’ve happened while I was gone, and my sisters would be home. But no, the house is as quiet as it was when I left this morning.

Next door, the lights are on and the Porterson brothers are hanging out outside, music blasting from the stereo. Rhyland is messing around with something underneath the hood of his GTO while Blaise and Jaxon are lounging around in rusty lawn chairs, drinking beers and talking about something. Alex is nowhere to be seen, but I’m not that surprised.

The scene makes my heart ache in a way I never thought possible.

I want my sisters back.

The instant I pull up, skidding into the driveway, the engine growling as I downshift and slam on the brakes, Blaise springs to his feet and starts to stride over to my house. But he slows to a stop, a crease crinkling between his brows as he notices the Porsche.

When Rhyland glances over, aWTFexpression crosses his face. He tosses the rag he’s holding onto the ground and storms up beside Blaise. Jaxon remains seated but slants forward with his gaze on the car.

“Oh good, they’re outside.” Amelia grins at the Portersons as she reaches for the door handle. “This’ll make things so much easier.”

I shove the car into park. “Make what easier?”

She pushes open the door. “Oh, having a little chat with Blaise about our deal.”

“What deal?” I ask, but she’s already jumping out of the car.

Sighing, I shut off the engine and glance back at Austin. He’s lying in the backseat with his arm draped over his forehead and his eyes are closed. He hasn’t made a single noise during the entire drive except for a moan when I sped around a sharp corner without slowing down, which resulted in him getting thrown from the seat.

“Are you alive back there?” I ask as I unclip my seatbelt.

He cracks an eye open. “If I wasn’t, would you kiss me and see if you could bring me back?”

“No, but I’d give you a shot of adrenaline straight to the heart,” I say, making a stabbing gesture. “Pulp Fictionstyle.”

His other eye opens and I think he smiles, but it’s hard to tell with how puffy his face looks. “I knew you liked me.”

I roll my eyes, then pause. “Why did you let her do it?”

A pucker forms between his brows. “Do what?”

“Let that woman beat you up. You didn’t even try to fight back.”

“And you would’ve?” he challenges.

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