Page 177 of Chasing Hadley

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He cocks a brow. “Why? You lookin’ to get high?”

I roll my eyes. “No, I don’t do that shit. I’m looking for my little sister, Payton. She took off, and I’m pretty sure she’s at some party, but I don’t know enough people in this town to know where any of the party places are.”

A smirk plays at his lips. “So, you what? Thought you’d come over and see if the heroin addict of the Porterson family will help you track down your sister? Sorry, sweetheart, but unlike my brother, I don’t have a thing for damsels in distress.” He moves to shut the door, but I stick my hand out and push it back open.

“I hate to break your little know-it-all self-perception, but you don’t know everything, and I’m not, and I never will be, a damsel in distress.” I shove the door open and step inside.

His brows briefly lift to his hairline, but he hastily erases the look and inches toward me, leaning down so his face is a sliver of space away from mine. “You’re trespassing, sweetheart, so turn your ass around and go home before I make you.”

I roll my tongue in my mouth, more pissed off than I am scared. “Go ahead. Try it. I’m not scared of you. I’ve had to deal with way scarier guys before.” I place a hand on his chest and push him back.

His eyes flicker with surprise as he stumbles, but then he regains his balance and says in a low tone, “Don’t ever put your hands on me again without my permission.”

I lean closer to him. “Don’t ever get in my face again.”

He lets out a low laugh that should send a chill up my spine, but I’m tougher than that.

“You think you’re tough, tough girl. Come on; take a swing at me.” He steps back and spreads his hands out to his sides. “I’ll give you a free pass. One hit and I won’t retaliate.”

“Why?” I question, eyeing him over suspiciously.

A smirk plays at the corners of his lips. “To show you just how weak you are.”

I cock a brow. “You think I’m weak?”

His smirk magnifies. “Twenty bucks says I don’t even flinch when you punch me.” He taps his fingers against the side of his jaw. “Come on; hit me.”

I shake my head. While I’d love to, I don’t have time for this right now. “No thanks. I have other shit to worry about than you trying to prove you’re a man.”

A wicked smile curls at his lips. “I’ll tell you what. If you take a swing at me, and it hurts, I’ll take you to your sister. But if it doesn’t, you have to promise never to come near me or my brothers again.”

“You know where my sister is?” I ask, annoyed that he’s toying with me.

He shrugs. “I know where all the party places are in Honeyton, so if she’s at one, I should be able to track her down.”

Is he being serious? I can’t tell.

Don’t trust him!all of my instincts scream.

But what if he’s telling the truth?

“You look confused,” he remarks with amusement.

“I am,” I admit. “About why you want me to stay away from your brothers.”

“Why’s that confusing?” he asks, still appearing amused.

I shrug, refusing to take my gaze off him, not trusting him one little bit. “I just don’t understand why that’s such a big deal. I mean, I know you don’t like me, but again, I’m not sure why.”

He shrugs, trying to be the epitome of cool, but I detect the slightest tick of his jaw.

“It’s not that I don’t like you,” he says. “I just don’t like your father. But he’s not here, so I get to direct my hatred toward you. Not that I care. You’re nothing to me, and my brothers will be a hell of a lot better off without you bringing your drama into their lives.”

I want to protest, deny what he said, but he’s right. I do bring drama into the Porterson brothers’ lives.

“Why don’t you like my father?” I ask, recalling the night I was in the shed and overheard a conversation between Blaise and Alex about my dad screwing them over.

“I have my reasons,” he replies with a shrug. “Now, do we have a deal or not?”
