Page 15 of Her Christmas Harem

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And they were all pleasantly full after stuffing themselves with Christmas dinner and pudding.

And now there was an unexpected lull, like all the pandemonium had died down and silence prevailed. The calm after the storm, because, as per long standing tradition, the children had all gone to their respective grandparents for an overnight stay and the adults could all relax and enjoy a much needed rest after the pandemonium.

Emalee was feeling pleasantly buzzed from a combination of eggnog and champagne. Not enough to be impaired, but enough to let her barriers slip a little. What little bit there remained.

And somehow she found herself stretched out on the couch, leaning against Kyros while Coll massaged and stroked her foot and rapidly healing ankle.

Around them, Xander was making an effort to shove all the discarded wrapping paper into a rubbish bag, though the others had repeatedly reminded him that the cleaning crew would be around to deal with it tomorrow.

Somehow a rerun of The Mummy had ended up on the massive 146 inch wall mounted television and Ardeth Bay’s face stared back at her in all his supersized glory.

“Mmmm... hot!” Em murmured appreciatively.

“Who’s hot?” Kyros asked, as he indolently pulled at her curls, stretching them straight then letting them spring back like he wasn’t quite aware he was doing it.

“The guy with the tattoos on his face.” Em gestured with her champagne flute.

“You like guys with tattoos all over their faces?” Ky asked with a raised eyebrow.

Emalee leaned her head back so she could see him properly, then looked back at the big screen. “He looks like you, that’s what I like about him most,” she replied without thinking, her tongue loosened by the alcohol.

Silence followed her words and Em tilted her head so she could see his face.

He looked from her to the big screen and back again. “And you think he’s hot?” Ky asked, an intensely speculative gleam in his eyes.

“I wouldn’t kick him out of bed, that’s for sure,” she replied, holding his gaze.

Ky sifted his fingers into her hair and tightened his grip and Em’s breath caught as every one of her nerve endings suddenly sprang to life.

“Careful, little girl,” Ky breathed. “You’re playing with fire.”

His eyes were molten with an answering heat that Em knew was reflected in her own.

She couldn’t help herself. She’d kept her feelings so tightly wrapped for so many years, but the past few days were unraveling everything. “I’m cold. Maybe I’d like a good blaze,” she whispered, staring into the deep, dark pools of his eyes.

And she was cold. She’d been cold and lonely inside for so long, yearning for things she could only dream about. Would it really be so bad to allow a little bit of warmth in?

Sparks kindled between them and the air felt heavy with anticipation. Em licked her suddenly dry lips and Ky followed the movement, his features tensing with what she knew was resistance.

Everything inside her deflated, and Em realized she’d just made a fool of herself. Worse, it was something she’d have to live with every single day.

She tried to sit up, needing some space for her own private mortification, but before she could move his hand cupped her cheek, and the next minute his mouth was on hers, harsh and passionate.

The breath whooshed out of her as she moaned against his lips. This was no cautious, tender kiss; this was an intense and feverish meeting of mouths as his tongue demanded entry and the hand in her hair guided her head exactly where he wanted it.

The fire he’d warned her of roared through her veins, igniting every nerve in her body, but despite it all, she was aware of Coll moving his hands and pushing her feet away as he moved to get up. “I guess that’s my cue to make myself scarce. Looks like the lassie made a decision after all.”

Emalee felt the loss of Coll’s touch immediately and peeled herself away from Ky, pushing herself upright and looking around. “Wait!” she said huskily before he left the room. “What did you mean by that?”

Coll looked almost sad, but stoic and accepting at the same time. Em found herself confused, but couldn’t help feeling that she needed to speak up now, or regret it for the rest of her life.

He shook his head. “It doesn’t matter,” he replied, turning, again, to leave.

But it did matter, and before she could really think about why, Em found herself up off the couch and hurrying after him.

Coll stopped in the doorway and looked at her curiously. “What is it, lass?” he asked with a soft burr.

Em stared at him, not knowing quite what to say. Not knowing how to verbalize the half formed thoughts that were in her mind.
