Page 43 of Her Christmas Harem

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James’ bright smile lit up the concourse as we met them on a couch overlooking the runway. Snow continued to swirl as anxious passengers checked their phones and departure screens. “What’s the word, Piper?”

I stared up at the departure screen, disappointment replacing my euphoria as my flight flipped from delayed to canceled. As my shoulders slumped and I curled inward on myself, James hooked his arm around my waist. “You’re gonna need a hotel, sweetheart. The storm’s supposed to last a couple of days.”

A couple of days? Christmas was two days away. I sighed. Whatever tomorrow brought, it couldn’t be as terrible as today.

“You wanted to change your shoes, right?” James asked me.

Oh Lord, yes. But that would require opening my suitcase, the same suitcase I’d stuffed full of lingerie and sex toys in anticipation of a week of sex and naughtiness with my ex. I sat on an empty couch, careful to keep my knees pressed tightly together, grateful that we were airside and facing the runway, not in the busy lounge full of travelers trying to figure out where they were going to spend the night.

I unzipped the suitcase, but didn’t open it, just stuck my hand in and rummaged around for my sneakers.

James tilted his head, watching me quizzically. I pressed my lips into a thin line as I found my sneakers and hauled them out. “I packed everything I’d need for a week of exciting and adventurous sex with my ex. And that’s it.”

His eyes practically glowed in the evening light as he gazed at my suitcase, but he didn’t say anything, just held his hand out for my sneakers.

“Let me get those for you,” he said, his voice raspy. His eyes bored into me, filled with heat.

In this short skirt, there was no way he could help me get my sneakers on without me flashing him. James’ eyes twinkled as he watched my eyes dart between him and Ibrahim’s pocket.

“Definitely, let me get those for you,” he repeated. As if in a daze, I took my seat.

James knelt. He slid his fingers around my ankle and removed the stiletto I’d been wearing all day, setting it on the ground reverently, holding my gaze the entire time. My breath caught in my chest as the rough pads of his fingers circled my ankle. When he lifted my foot to set it on his bent knee, I squeezed my thighs together, trying to preserve what little modesty was left to me.

He wrapped his fingers around my foot, digging into the sore muscles on my sole, dragging a strangled groan out of me as he released the tension. Humming with satisfaction, he continued for a few more minutes, until I was a puddle of goo on the couch, my lips pressed tightly together to hold in the sexy, animal sounds that his touch dragged out of me.

“That’s it, darling,” he murmured, his eyes heavy with desire as he watched me on the couch. When his gaze dipped between my legs, I slammed my knees back together, blushing, angry for forgetting I wasn’t wearing anything under my skirt.

“Oh no, Piper. Let me see you.” With gentle pressure on my knees, he spread my legs. I was dying of humiliation, saved only by the dart of his tongue over his lips as he stared at me. “So fucking gorgeous,” he said, “all pink and swollen from fucking Ibrahim.”

I couldn’t move, frozen on the couch with one foot on his knee and the other planted on the floor. He stared at my bared center, his bright blue eyes hooded and dark with heat. This was horrible and sexy and awful and titillating all at the same time.

James rolled a sock up my foot, then slipped my sneaker on, tying it snuggly. I tried to push my knees back together, but he pushed them apart with one hand, while he took my other foot and pulled it to his knee. “Let me see you get wet,” he said.

I shook my head, embarrassed of my nakedness, how public this display was, and how obvious my need would be to him. “Yellow,” I whispered, and his eyes shot to mine.

“Of course, sweetheart.” He let me shove my knees together as he rubbed my foot, eliciting intense relaxation as he worked through the soreness of spending an entire day in those ridiculous stilettos. When I’d melted back into the couch, the tension from my earlier embarrassment gone, he slid my sock and sneaker on.

“Ready to go?”

I took James’ hand and stood, sighing with relief as I stood flat on my feet in comfortable shoes. “I have to find a hotel.”

Benedict smiled. God, he was gorgeous. What were these men doing to me? “I’ve already called a car to pick us up and take us to the Nova.”

I wasn’t sure how I felt about his high-handedness, but it was the same luxury chain I would have selected, so I didn’t fight it. “Let’s go.”

When we reached the arrivals hall, dismay filled me as I watched snow swirl through the cold winter air. It was inches deep, slush covered the sidewalk, and I was dressed inappropriately for the weather.

Benedict sighed softly and slid out of his peacoat, draping it over my shoulders.

“No, I couldn’t possibly take this,” I said. “The car will be right there, and I’ll just make a dash for it.” The jacket hung past my knees and smelled of his spicy cologne.

James and Ibrahim rooted around in their bags, and seconds later, I was wearing a warm cap and a scarf too. James chuckled and ran his lips over the sensitive shell of my ear. “Benedict gets off on telling people what to do. Think of this as doing him a favor.”

I giggled and ceased my protests. Still, when the moment came to step out into the weather, I hesitated, not wanting to put my feet in the slushy, winter muck. Was I really about to to jump into a car with three strange men I’d just met at the airport with an alarmingly intense sexual interest in me?

Benedict sighed again. He stepped around me and scooped me up in his arms in a bridal carry. His coat was long enough to cover everything essential, despite my short skirt. I was too shocked to protest. Before I could formulate a complaint, he opened the door to a large SUV and dropped me into the backseat. I shivered as he buckled me into the middle, then slid in beside me. James hopped around to the other side.

“Don’t think so hard,” Benedict said, his breath hot against my neck.
