Page 12 of Forsaken

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Nobody is supposed to abandon their kid either, but I don’t see them mentioning that.

People dressed in white kitchen attire bring out trays of food, placing them in front of everyone at the table.

“Canon. I hope dinner is to your liking.” Kane calls from his seat.

“I really don’t give a fuck what I eat, as long as I eat.” I respond truthfully, speaking for the second time since I stepped foot out here.

There’s a collective gasp from the table, and I look up from my plate filled with chicken, mashed potatoes and mixed vegetables to see what happened. Everyone looks at me as if I just committed murder.

Well, everyone except Goldilocks. She tries to suppress a giggle, but the noise travels across the table and straight into my pants. I watch her as she clears her throat then drinks her water, her throat bobbing in an oddly seductive way.

“Kane. Can I see you in the kitchen?” The wife asks as she throws her napkin down on her plate, walking hurriedly towards the too big restaurant they call a kitchen.



Once they leave, Canon bites into his chicken uncaringly while Amy vibrates in the seat next to me. Whether it’s with confusion, wonder, anger, hurt or all of the above, I don’t know.

I don’t need to steal a glance at Connor to know he’s pissed beyond comparison. He spent his whole life vying for his dad’s attention, and now this just made it harder for him.

“So, what’s your angle?” Connor is the first to speak.

“My…angle?” Canon sounds bored with the conversation already, chewing loudly on his chicken. I steal a glance at him, watching his jaw work the large piece of food in his mouth. Kane has some strong genes because Canon looks so much like his dad and his half-brother. The only difference is his hair, the fire in his eyes, and the story his body language tells is all wrong.

He’s everything and nothing like them at the same time.

His energy is somewhat consuming, so I make sure I don’t observe him for too long. He has trouble written all over the way he holds his fork and gulps down his juice. He makes me curious and my curious rebelling days are over. He reminds me of a past I’d like to forget.

“You got anything stronger?” He raises his empty juice glass to one of the servers lurking in the shadows. They nod quickly, hurrying to the outside bar to make him a stronger drink concoction.

“Yea, your angle,” Connor cuts in, growing irritated at the lack of attention he’s getting from Canon. “You obviously found out you had some relation to the owner of the biggest property development company and figured you wanted to cash in. Play the abandoned son role up a bit.”

I glance back at Canon as he steeples his hands on his stomach, leaning back in his chair.

“I don’t know shit aboutyourdad. He approached me…or more like stalked and harassed,” he says matter of factly. “Oh, and you can keep all that mean girl shit over there. Doesn’t work on me sweetheart.” He winks at Connor.

Connor almost flies out his seat, but Amy breaks her growing silence, directing her words toward Canon.

“I’m Amethyst, but you can call me Amy. Where are you from?” She clenches her hands in her lap awaiting his answer.

“Around,” he retorts simply, but with less attitude he gave Connor.

“How is all of this for you?” Here goes caring Amy again, putting other people’s feelings before herself. I’m not one to talk though.

“It’s bullshit.” He seems like he doesn’t want to give too much of himself away and Amy picks up on this.

“Bullshit is an understatement,” Connor says under his breath.

Mr. Peterson walks back outside, rubbing his forehead with one hand on his hip.

“Sorry about that. My wife, Melinda, seems to have come down with a stomach bug.”

Canon scoffs from where he sits, all eyes shooting to him.

“Just came into my life and you’re already lying to me. If she can’t handle your fuck up, just say that.”

“That’s enough!” Mr. Peterson booms, his patience long gone, “If you’re going to be staying under this roof, you need to learn some manners and respect.
