Page 13 of Forsaken

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Canon jumps from his seat at the same time Amy and Connor yell “Stay?” in unison.

“Fuck your roof. You don’t get my respect, or me, until you earn it.” Canon kicks his chair further back, causing it to go flying towards the infinity pool. He strides through the open backdoor, straight for the front. Mr. Peterson lets out a loud sigh, walking after him and Amy jumps up from the table, running straight towards the stairs.

I glance at Connor who’s drinking straight from the liquor bottle the server had brought for Canon, before following after Amy.

I have to walk towards the front door to get to the stairs, and when I get there, I see Mr. Peterson and Canon having a hushed conversation. I watch as Canon works his jaw, crossing his arms and causing his biceps to bulge out of his shirt. When my eyes make their way back to his face, he’s watching me with an intense fire in his eyes.

Turning around, I hurry up the stairs, hoping he doesn’t think I was eavesdropping.


It’s late when the hushed voices of Mr. P and Canon finally die down. I’ve been in Amy’s room trying to console her while she cried and whined about it not being fair. She didn’t really specify what exactly wasn’t fair, but I’m guessing the special attention and treatment Canon seemed to be getting.

She can’t blame her dad though, I mean…he just found out he basically has another Connor in the world. A broodier and more mysterious Connor, but a Connor, nonetheless.

Amy’s snores travel to my subconscious, and I untangle my limbs from hers, slipping out of her massive king-sized bed. Sleepovers used to be fun when we were younger but now, they just consist of excessive body heat, sweat, and uncomfortableness.

I glance at myself in the mirror, my black dress sticking to my chest, my face bare of the makeover I wore earlier, and slip out of my clothes. I open Amy’s dresser, pulling out shorts and an oversized t-shirt, then decide to grab myself some water and a snack. I didn’t even get to eat dinner and being up in Amy’s room all night didn’t allow me a trip back down to the kitchen.

Walking slowly down the hallway, I glance at the light below Connor’s room door and just for a second, contemplate knocking on it to check on him. Then I see two shadows moving, realize he’s not alone, and shake my head.

I reach the bottom of the stairs minutes later, and walk into the clean, fresh smelling kitchen. I grab a glass from the cabinet, placing it on the island and then open the fridge door. When I close it, I almost fly into the ceiling screaming at the person standing just behind the door.

Canon leans against the countertop with his arms crossed like earlier, his eyes staring at me in question.

“What the fuck is wrong with you?” I whisper shout at him, placing my hand on my beating chest trying to catch my breath.

“You live here?” Is all he asks.

“No, just being there for my friend. What are you still doing here?” I walk back to where my glass sits on the counter, pouring myself some juice with shaky hands.

“Was talking to Kane.” He grabs a seat at one of the barstools tucked under the large marble topped island. “Can I ask you something?”

I place the cap on the juice, raising an eyebrow at him in surprise. He wants to askmea question?

“What’s up?” I ask, trying to keep my voice even toned.

“What kind of person is he? Kane?” The question isn’t unwarranted, but I’m surprised he’s asking me and not Connor or Amy.

Placing both hands outstretched on the counter of the island, I think deeply about how I want to answer this question. Do I give him the truth on the type of father he’s been to his kids? Do I mention how he is as a husband? Or do I mention the kind of man he is when we all go to social gatherings for his business?

“Mr. P is a caring guy, but sometimes he gets in the way of himself. He tries to give his kids a lot of freedom to be themselves, but he doesn’t realize he’s actually pushing them away. But overall, he’s well-respected and doesn’t back down from anything.” Feeling satisfied with my answer, I nod, turning to put the juice back.

“And what aboutthem?”

Them? Oh.

“You mean yoursiblings?” I see him wince when I turn back to face him. This question is easier to answer.

“Connor is an asshole and Amy is sweet as hell, but a push-over.” I take a sip from my glass, the juice coating every dry spot in my throat and being a welcome distraction from the small spark I feel starting to form in my lower belly.

When I put the glass down, Connor is staring at my neck, his mouth slightly parted.

“Noted.” He says, pushing up from his seat and heading for the hallway.

“You still never answered my question. What are you still doing here?”

“Figuring shit out.” And with that, he disappears back into the darkness, leaving me confused and light-headed.
