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“You’ll want to get on the road. Normally, I’d have Mrs. Raskin whip up breakfast for you, but you’re going to have to settle for whatever I can come up with.”

“I’ll help you. In addition to you and Sheila, we have Ken, Jose, and Corey Rockwell to feed.”

Nelly made a face when Robin mentioned the actor’s name, and Robin laughed.

“I guess if there’s any silver lining to this awful business, it’s that you’ll soon be rid of the world’s most obnoxious action hero.”

PART EIGHTThe Stuntman


Three weeks after leaving Black Oaks, Robin ran to McGill’s gym. At odd moments since she’d returned to the city, she had thought about how good it was to be back in Portland, where there were no werewolves or escapees from the hospital for the criminally insane—at least that Robin knew of—and the answer to who killed Frank Melville and Justin Trent were puzzles for the police to solve.

Sally Martinez was working the heavy bag when Robin walked into the gym. She invited Robin to spar, but Robin had injured her elbow when she’d smashed Luther Raskin’s jaw, and it wasn’t completely healed, so she told her friend that she was going to take it easy this morning.

After her workout, Robin bought a latte and a scone. She sipped her coffee as she walked to Barrister, Berman, and Lockwood. After catching up on her emails and reading a draft of a motion to suppress, Robin started reviewing discovery the DAhad sent over in an armed robbery case. She was halfway through the reports when the firm’s receptionist told her that Nelly Melville was in the reception area.

“It’s good to see you,” Robin said, flashing a welcoming grin.

Nelly put down the magazine she’d been reading and stood up. She looked sad.

“I was in town for the reading of Dad’s will.”

Robin’s grin faded. “Are you okay?”

“Not really. It was in the law office where Justin used to work.”

“Come on back to my office and we’ll talk. Do you want some coffee, water?”

“No, I’m good.”

Robin led Nelly down a hall to Robin’s corner office. On this sunny morning, Robin had a spectacular view of a sailboat floating down the Willamette River, the foothills of the Cascade Range, and Mount Hood’s and Mount St. Helens’s snowcapped peaks. Nelly showed no interest in the view.

“I hope I’m not prying, but I got the impression that Justin was more than just your dad’s attorney as far as you were concerned,” Robin said.

Nelly nodded and choked up.

“Sorry,” she apologized.

“No need. So, you two were close?”

“We were.”

“Going to that office must have been tough, so let’s change the subject. What brings you here?”

“There were bequests to the Innocence Project and some groups that are trying to abolish the death penalty, but I inherited the bulk of Dad’s estate. Dad used his money for good. I want to keep his legacy alive.”

“Have you thought about helping Jose?”

“I’d like to.”

“Your father prepaid for two months at the Jefferson Hotel, so Jose has a place to stay until he can afford an apartment. Maybe you can pay his rent and give him money for food until he finds a job.”

“That would be great. Let me know if there is anything else I can do for him.”

“I will. Is Sheila still living at Black Oaks?”

“Yes, until she can find a place of her own. Dad would have wanted to take care of her, so I’m going to figure out some way to do it.”

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