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He nodded, glancing away for a moment.

“I wanted to kill him too when I found out, rip off his arms and let him bleed out. I wanted him to suffer something sick like that. It’s all so screwed up, you know? Our family’s nothing but love, yet we’ve still got this asshole hanging around the edge, wanting to ruin everything.”

“You’re right. But that’s all the more reason for us to stay strong, and to stay together, alright?”

“Yeah. My feelings exactly.”

I took another swig of water. “I thought of something for you to do.”


“Yep. Head over to Downing, check on Aubrey and the twins. And while you’re there, let her know what’s going on. She has a right to know.”

Tyler’s expression lightened, and I could tell he was happy to have a task to do, a way to make up for the deception.

“Got it.”

I put my hand on his shoulder. “Thanks for everything, brother. We’re going to get through this.”

“Not doubting that for a second.”

He left. I turned my attention back to the punching bag, eager to work out more of my aggression.

Chapter 27


Ipulled the truck in front of Downing just in time to watch as Aubrey led a pair of llamas into the barn. She waved as I stopped, followed by a gesture for me to come in and join her.

God, she looked so damn good. She had on skintight jeans with a light-wash jean jacket, a rancher’s hat on her head and boots on her feet. Maybe she’d been a city girl at one point, but as far as I was concerned, she fit right in with this kind of life.

I hopped out of the truck. As soon as my feet were on the ground, I noticed something off in the distance. Dark clouds were gathering in the west. I leaned against the truck, watching them for a time. Whatever was out there would be here soon.

When I was satisfied, I started toward the barn and opened the door. The musky scent of animal and feed greeted me. Aubrey was there, getting the pair of llamas tied up with all the others on the far end.

“You see those clouds?” she asked.

“Sure did. You know anything about them?”

“Surprised you haven’t been keeping up with the weather.”

“Busy morning; what’s the story?”

“Blizzard due to come in sometime in the next twenty-four hours. Supposed to be massive. They’re thinking it’s going to hit tomorrow morning.”


“That’s why I’m getting all the animals in now. I don’t want to get caught with my pants down if it shows up early.”

Just the mention of her pants down was enough to make my cock twitch. My eyes flicked down to her ass, and a small smile formed on her lips when she caught me looking.

“Anyway, what’s up?” she started toward the llama feed, grabbing a bushel.

“Wanted to come over and check on you and the kids.” That wasn’t all, of course. But I’d get to that.

“They’re good – sleeping right now. We did some outdoor stuff, so they went down for an early nap.”

“Alright. Well, with the storm coming in, you want to stay over at the house? Might be a good idea. We’ve got a big generator and plenty of supplies.”
