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“You really want to go?”

“I really need to go.”

“All right, then. I want to know everything, though.”


Tempest explained the aura she had seen on the glass of wine, the effect it had had on those at the party, and how she had seen it around Isabella. She mentioned the difference in Isabella’s sobriety level compared to the rest of the party. Combined with what they knew of the attack Aiden thwarted, the information told the whole story except one part—why?

With only one way to find that answer, they went together to the dungeon and were shown to Isabella’s cell.

Tempest approached the bars, but Aiden gripped her arm, holding her back. She turned and read the silent query in his expression.

“I’m fine,” Tempest reassured him. “I promise. I’ve seen much worse things than a woman in a cell. You have no clue how many wars and battles I’ve lived through.”

He quickly schooled the shock from his face as Isabella laughed with a voice that wasn’t at all hers.

“That you did, didn’t you, goddess of the broken?” Isabella’s voice was deep and her face contorted into an angry snarl.

Tempest gripped a bar and leaned in. “You shouldn’t be doing this, Aloysius. You know it’s against the rules.”

Isabella leaned against the cell wall and picked her teeth with the bone of a small animal. Tempest wondered how she had gotten that so quickly, but chose not to dwell on it.

“Things are changing, Tempest. The rules won’t matter in the same way soon. Who’s going to punish me now, that you’re gone?”

“There’re always other gods to do the job. I’m one of the weaker ones, anyway.”

A sickening laugh echoed in the stone cell. “You and I both know that’s a lie. You may have the other gods fooled, but I’ve seen you on the battlefield. You’ve ruined many perfectly good wars for me.”

Tempest released a dramatic sigh and leaned her forehead on the bars in exasperation. “If you didn’t keep starting wars in the mortal world, I wouldn’t need to step in and end them.”

Isabella stood and sauntered towards the bars. She put her face right in front of Tempest’s until their foreheads were pressed together.

“You didn’t follow the rules, either. They thought you were a hero. You must be the richest person alive by now, with all of the offerings they gave you for your accomplishments. None of the other gods believed me when I told them it was you down on the battlefield. No, no one thought a god would stoop so low as to don mortal armor and fight alongside them. You never were afraid to stoop to low levels, though, now were you, sweet little Tempest?”

Aiden opened his mouth to speak and moved towards the cell, but Tempest held out her arm to stop him. She focused on Isabella and searched for the mortal soul within, to judge whether she could help her. The soul was dark, but not thoroughly corrupted. There was still enough for Tempest to work with.

Tempest let her power build within her before she spoke. “Aloysius, why did you make Isabella attack Aurora?”

Isabella let out a low chuckle and turned her back on Tempest, her head never leaving the bars. “I know what you’re doing, Tempest. It’s not going to work on me.”

“Don’t make me hurt the woman to get you out of her, Aloysius.” Tempest pushed her power into her voice. “God of War, leave this mortal’s body if you will not answer my questions. I will force you out if I need to.”

She watched Isabella’s soul flicker as it fought against the god inhabiting her body.

“The mortal wants you out, and I will help her regain control.”

Isabella dug her nails into the palms of her hands and slammed her head back onto the bars, making Tempest pull back from them. “Fine! Know that I’m done, Tempest. We’re waiting for you.” With a wicked grin, she turned around and fixed Aiden with a look. “We’re waiting for both of you.”

Isabella’s body went slack, and she dropped to the floor of her cell, her eyes closed and breath steady. Tempest checked to ensure her soul was alone in the body. She reassured Aiden with a nod and signaled for him to have the cell opened.

Tempest entered as soon as she was able and dropped to the ground next to Isabella. She gently touched the side of her face and repeated her name until Isabella woke up.

Isabella took in her surroundings, clearly confused, until she saw Aiden and hurried to her knees to bow. “Your majesty! I’m not…”

Aiden entered the cell and squatted down in front of her. “Isabella, we need to ask you a few questions. Are you willing to answer them?”

Isabella raised her head and noted the two guards now standing outside the cell. She nodded and looked back at the emperor.
