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“Tell us what you remember of yesterday.”

“I remember the test, and a man outside the door who escorted me to the party and the emperor.” Isabella looked up at Aiden through her lashes and smiled.

Envy made Tempest want to strip the flirtatious look off Isabella’s face, especially since the woman had Aiden’s undivided attention. Still, she reminded herself once again that Aiden couldn’t be hers. He was a god doing a mortal trial, and she couldn't interfere.

“Anything after that?” Tempest pried.

Isabella turned towards her and shrugged. “Not much. Just bits and pieces, like a bad dream. I’m sorry.”

Aiden placed his hand on Isabella’s shoulder. “Your god, it seems, wanted to directly intervene with the Dei Electi.” He looked at Tempest as he added, “You will not be punished for his actions.”

Tempest gave a single nod of agreement and looked away from the two. Without making eye contact, she warned Isabella, “Until the contest is over, I highly suggest taking leafsbane. It will not harm you, but will help prevent your god from overstepping his bounds again. He can still aid and communicate with you, but he will not be able to take over your body again.”

“He didwhat?!” Isabella roared.

Tempest was glad to see the warrior within Isabella reemerging. Knowing a little of what Aloysius did ignited a fire in the woman, and she no longer appeared weak and helpless. Tempest rose and moved toward the door to exit the cell.

“I’ll allow the emperor to explain it to you. I have other things I need to attend to, if you will excuse me.” Tempest sketched a quick bow and hurried to leave the dungeon.

Aiden’s voice soothing Isabella followed her, and tears welled up in her eyes. Tempest knew she shouldn’t feel this way—really, shouldn’t feel anything for the man other than protective—but not everything about being a god was so very different from being a mortal. They loved and felt the sting of loss, as well.

As she made her way back to Sylvia’s room, Tempest couldn’t help questioning how those two had become so close. Her mind created scenarios where Isabella and Aiden had slipped away alone, with no one knowing. Each one made her angrier than the last.

Tempest’s blood boiled and her face reddened as she walked down the hall. She shoved the door to Sylvia’s room open and found it empty.

“Where is Sylvia?” she called to the guard posted at the door.

“She went with several of the other contestants. They wanted to speak with her. She’ll be returned to her room shortly.”

“Fine. Be here when she is.” Tempest started back to her room, then changed course. “Oh, and if anyone should come looking for me, I’m out.”

She didn’t bother waiting for a response. It wasn’t until she’d stomped off the palace grounds and was out in the city that she realized just how angry she was. Her hands were clenched so tight her knuckles had turned white, and she was gritting her teeth. It took a great deal of effort to calm herself down, but by the time she’d looped back to the palace, she’d managed to get herself under control.

When she arrived at Sylvia’s room, the guard informed her that the other contestants had left not long ago and Sylvia napping. Tempest thanked him before entering the room and closing the door behind her. She stood there for a moment looking at Sylvia’s peacefully sleeping form before moving to sit in a chair beside the bed.

She stayed there for hours, just watching Sylvia sleep and thinking. What had happened in the land of the gods to cause them to run so rampant and directly disobey the rules they were all committed to? What could have occurred to make the god of the dead choose to do a mortal trial in secret?

Tempest looked outside and saw that the sun still hadn’t moved. Why did the gods seem to be deteriorating?

Tempest was snapped out of her thoughts by Sylvia’s sudden movement. She sat up and watched as Sylvia coughed, sweating profusely. Tempest tried to wake her up, but to no avail. She rushed to the door and told the guard to get the physician.

Sylvia’s skin was hot to the touch, and her breathing was labored. Tempest did her best to cool her down with a damp cloth, but it didn’t seem to be helping much.

Soon the guard returned with the physician and his apprentice, and Tempest moved out of their way.

“Do you know what happened to her?” the physician asked.

Tempest chewed on her nails as she watched him work. “No. She went out with several contestants, and when I returned, I found her sleeping. She wasn’t like this at first.”

The man lifted Sylvia’s eyelids and tipped her head towards the light before closing them once again. “Anything off about her before that?”

“I haven’t known her long, but I can’t think of anything. Wait! She was sweating some this morning. Nothing like this, though. I just assumed it was from the heat.”

The physician took Sylvia’s wrist to check her pulse. “I’m finding more and more cases of people in this sort of state. It’s only continuing to get hotter, and people are falling ill from the effects. I’ve lost half of my staff already from it. Until the sun goddess decides to give us peace, I don’t see this going away.”

Tempest’s goddess powers grew harder to control as her anger grew. Her breathing grew labored as she fought to control it.

The physician’s apprentice stepped forward. “We’re going to have to take her to the infirmary.”
