Page 63 of The Edge

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Z’’ call them in if you think it's okay, replied Drayce.”

Zedkiel whistles a one two note, soon a howl answered, a moment went by then a nose peaked through the curtain of rain pouring down, a wolf the color of onyx with white wrapping around like a coat, white mask across his vibrate green eyes, padded in followed by a snow-white wolf, eyes of glacier blue, both came in front of Z. ‘’Shadow and Raven, this is Aykiz princess of the dark kingdom.” Shadow and Raven bowed to me in show of respect. ‘’Shadow, Raven it's good to meet you both, thank you for looking out for Zadkiel. You guys are welcome to stay here where it is warm and dry.”

‘’Now everyone have a seat, tell us what happened at the Noble legion pack.’’ All of us sat around the fire, ready to listen to what happened. Zedkiel sat next to me, with his arm around me I felt safer. Raven and Shadow curled up around Zedkeil and I finally had my bestie back, I can get through this now that he's at my side. Kyique began telling the story, ‘’Once we stepped out of the portal, we were surrounded by wolves, Hawley stepped forward announcing who we were and that we needed his brother's help, Alpha Henley stepped out of the pack that was surrounding us, he demanded that we leave, he wasn't happy with his brother or for what he done, I asked him to save Zedkiel and in return I would owe him a favor.

Alpha Henley had us take Z into this lodge where he made us leave. He promised he would look after him while we waited it out in his jail. ‘What he put you guys in jail?”

‘’Yes, he had good reasons Aykiz, he didn't know us, all he knew was that a human child was bitten, and his brother was a traitor. Days went by, without news of Zedkeil, finally the Alpha came to see us. He explained that Zedkiel made the change, that he was with his beta learning how to be a wolf. As for us, we were in hot water. I explained to the Alpha who we were and what we were doing. Hawkley admitted to betraying his Alpha and family. He is waiting out his sentence in jail, because you forgave him Aykiz, he wasn't put to death.

‘’Ugh, put to death? Seriously? They would have put him to death.”

‘’Yes, Alpha Henley was furious, the noble legion pack is loyal, they take it very seriously. If one of the packs betrays them, there are dire consequences, Hawkley made a terrible mistake, and he will pay for it.’’ The Pack is loyal to your parents, Aykiz, with what happened to you with Hawkley, Alpha is not too happy. ’Replied Kyquie. Your parents helped the noble legion pack when Morana and Zelos attacked them, if your parents were not close by the noble legion pack would be no more. Arkyn stated in a serious tone.

‘’Wow, so now he knows about me and the mission?’’ ‘Yes Aykiz, he is aware and on our side, he let us out once we explained what was happening, when we need him, he would be there at our side.

‘’Do you trust him, Kyique?’’

‘’I do, Aykiz, stated Zedkiel.'' ‘’He saved my life, I'm forever grateful to him and to all of you for getting me to him, without his pack and Alpha powers I wouldn't be sitting here with you now Aykiz. We have a connection; I am loyal to his pack Aykiz.

‘’Wow, how things have changed, I can't believe all this is happening.’’

‘’I know this is a lot, Aykiz honey, but it was meant to be, I’m stronger. I can help protect you and I found a purpose.”

‘’I'm happy for you Zedkiel, I really am, I don't ever want to lose you.”

‘’You won't have to, I'll be at your side through it all, by the way you have a smell, Zedkiel wrinkles his nose. ‘’

What do you mean by smell? Do I stink?’’

‘’You smell faintly of wolf and You!”

‘’ Oh That, yes umm I may have blood bonded with Alpha Elijah!’’

‘’ OH MY GOD! AYKIZ! You didn’t.

Raven and Shadow jumped up, nervous now that Zedkiel raised his voice.

UM, yes, I did. WHY?”

‘’Well because now you're HIS! Zedkiel growled, jumping to his feet. Finan was on his feet in seconds, sword drawn.

‘’I’m not his anything, Zedkiel, not Elijah or anyone’s. I’m just a girl that must save this world! That's enough for me!”

Zedkeil took deep breaths pacing around, stopping he signaled to the wolves to lay back down. Raven and shadow looked concerned, nosing Zedkiel. Zedkiel Locked eyes with Shadow, having a silent communication, Zedkeil took a few deep breaths, returning to his seat. Finan returned to my other side, ready in case of Zedkiel freaking out.

Alright both of you calm down, demanded Drayce. ‘’Aykiz only bonded with Elijah as a pack, not as a mate.’’ He pledged his pack to Aykiz and will be at her side when the time comes, you also bit her Zedkiel so she's your pack too.’’

Zedkiel had mischief in his eyes ‘’OH, yeah about that, it was all my wolf, I’m sorry Aykiz.’’

’’ Me too, leaning into Zadkeil, what’s your wolf like Zedkiel, was it painful? Does it hurt when you shift?’’

He is different than other wolves, I'll show you sometime hmm, it was painful, but I've been told it would have been worse if I hadn't had the Alpha there, it gets better with each shift, not as much pain as the time before. The entire experience was something I would rather not ever go through again.”

“I’m thankful for Alpha Henley and I owe that man so much for saving you. I owe all of you for saving Zadkiel, you all had a part in saving his life and for that I owe you all so much.”

‘’Just save the world and we will be even, ’Kyique replied.

‘’Arykin, Kyique, thank you for taking care of Zedkiel.
