Page 126 of Love Me Forever

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"That I do." I grinned but didn’t question him further because Reese and Travis approached us, and Ihadpromised to keep this a secret, after all. But I still had time to corner him and use my bride right to know everything.

For now, I was simply going to enjoy this happy day.



Two months later


"Babe, want me to bringyou breakfast in bed?" I asked from the kitchen. I was working from home today. I'd done that a lot lately, mostly because Bonnie had taken time off from work. In her own words, she was too huge to move with any sort of efficiency in the practice, so she was taking it easy these last couple weeks. I took advantage of the fact that I had her all day to pamper her.

"Travis?" She sounded eager. I immediately knew something was off.

I put down the pan I was about to use to cook her favorite breakfast—bacon. Instead, I hurried to the bedroom. Her eyes were wide.

"What happened?"

"My water broke."

"Jesus Christ!" I exclaimed. "I'm calling an ambulance."

"I don't think we're supposed to do that. You can just drive me yourself."

Really? I tried to remember what the prenatal classes taught us but drew a blank.

"What if the baby comes on the way?"

"It doesn't happen that fast, especially not for first-time moms. I don't know what to do. Dr. Taylor is on vacation. My due date's in two weeks, and she was supposed to be back next week. I know she’s got someone to cover her patients while she’s away, but it’s notmydoctor."

"Fucking hell! Okay, let me do this. I'll call Sam."

My brother had surprised us all by telling us he was relocating back to Chicago. He'd already started his full-time job in one of the most renowned hospitals in Chicago.

I called him right away. As was typical of my brother, he didn't pick up. He rarely did during shifts. My fingers were trembling as I messaged him an SOS. He assured us that he'd always be in touch if we texted that. True to his word, he called me right back.

"What's wrong?" he asked, voice stern.

"Bonnie's water broke."

"Right. She's two weeks early, and I remember her telling me her doctor was on vacation." My brother'sdoctorvoice always surprised me.

"You remember that?"

“Yeah, because I thought this exact scenario might come up.”

“Bonnie isn’t thrilled about calling whoever is covering for her doctor.”

“Okay, nothing to worry about. I'll guide you through the next steps. You'll bring her here, okay?"


The next hour went by in slow motion. At the same time, it felt as if everything was happening so fast that I could barely process it.

It turned out Bonnie had already packed three hospital bags. She called it an extension of her nesting instinct. I could tell my woman was worried, and I was doing my best to reassure her even though I was fucking losing my mind. The baby was going to come early, and obviously the protocols Bonnie and Dr. Taylor had spoken about weren't going to happen. But I was glad my brother was on shift at his hospital. I trusted he would get Bonnie and our daughter the best care possible.

Sam waited for us at the entrance and helped me fill out all the forms as he instructed the staff to take Bonnie to the maternity ward. After dealing with the paperwork, he and I went up.
