Page 56 of Love Me Forever

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"Travis thought it would do you good to talk to someone who's been through pregnancy multiple times.”

I felt a rush of affection for him.

"That's very thoughtful," I said.

"How are you feeling so far? I was so surprised when Travis broke the news."

"I bet it was a shock," I said, biting my lower lip.What must she think about me?

"Kids are always a blessing. Sometimes they just come when we're not prepared for them."

"I've always wanted kids, but I have to say, I didn't plan on it happening like this," I admitted.

"Well, we adapt, don't we? Truth be told, I only planned four of my kids. The other two decided to pop up," she said, laughing. “But what can you do? I'm glad for each and every one of them."

Hearing her talk was filling me with warmth. She seemed to be a peaceful, kind, and very loving mother.

"My boys were a handful growing up." Her voice was full of nostalgia.

"I bet Travis was the leader of the pack." I was eager to test his theory.

"Oh, no, actually he was one of the easier ones."

Huh? So he's only domineering and stubborn with me. I must bring that out in him."And the rest of your boys?"

"Oh, Declan is the oldest one. I think he became a lawyer because he had too much practice getting his siblings out of trouble growing up. Luke, the second one, was mostly the one responsible for getting them into trouble. He had a knack for convincing people to do what he wanted. And the youngest ones were especially eager to join him. The pregnancies were hard, especially after I had several kids. By the way, do you want more kids?"

Her voice had changed slightly when she asked me that. It sounded almost suspicious, and I wondered why.

"I want lots of kids," I said. "We'll see how this goes. I'm not sure I'm ready to plan too far in advance."

"I was just curious," she said.

"Did you have any problems?"

"Oh, sweet Lord. I had morning sickness. With Sam, I also actually had hyperemesis. I couldn't keep anything down. They had to hook me up to IVs."

I shuddered. "That sounds terrible."

"It was. I had five rambunctious boys, and I couldn't even move without getting sick. I also had bed rest with some of them."

"I feel lucky so far."

"That's good, but take care of yourself, okay? Pregnancy is a time to spoil yourself and to allow others to fuss around you."

"Well, your son did. He sent me something I told him I wanted to have for dinner, plus my favorite dessert."

"Did he now? Well, I'm proud of him. I raised him well."

I smiled to myself. "Yes, you did.”

"Bonnie, I'd like to meet you face-to-face, if you're okay with that. I've saved some of the boys' clothes from since they were babies. They're probably not fashionable now, but I always think you can't have enough onesies. If you want, I'd love to give a few of them to you."

"I'd love that," I whispered. My throat wasn't working properly. Emotion tightened it. Why was I making such a huge fuss of this? I cleared my throat. "Sure. Just let me look over my shifts for the next week, and I'll tell you when I'm free, okay?"

"That sounds perfect, darling. Have a great evening."

I was smiling from ear to ear after hanging up. I couldn't believe she was just embracing me and the baby like that. No accusations of wanting to trap her son or any backhanded comments. She was simply happy.
