Page 87 of Love Me Forever

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Chapter Twenty-Three


"You missed me, didn'tyou?" I asked Tutu, patting between his ears. The gorgeous poodle had been here since yesterday when his owner brought him in for emergency surgery for his knee. I could tell he wanted to go home to his family. "We're going to release you soon. I promise."

He blinked lazily, setting his head on my arm.

I loved all my fur babies. I'd only realized how much I missed working with them while I'd been away in Oceanwell Bay. Tutu was special. He was twelve years old, and he had multiple health issues. This was his third surgery in the last four years.

He had a soft spot for me too. I was the only worker he trusted like this. I kissed between his ears.

"I need to go now, but I'll be back to check on you later, okay?"

I loved working with animals, but one day I truly wanted to own a grooming business. I loved seeing the animalsgettinghealthy, but seeing them sick affected me. And ever since I got pregnant, that feeling only intensified. If I had a grooming business, I’d pamper healthy animals all day long. I’d take a pay cut, though, and I wouldn’t be using my certification at all. But it would make me happy.

I left the ward with our overnight patients, moving into the back office. I looked at our list of appointments over my colleague Cassie’s shoulder. We were fully booked, which meant we would do some overtime, but I didn't mind.

“We’re busy bees today,” Cassie remarked.

I was just about to go back in the waiting room and invite one of the patients in because our two o'clock appointment was late, but then my phone buzzed. It was Travis.

"I'll go out front," Cassie said. "You answer your phone."

"Thanks, Cass." I entered one of our supply rooms as I answered. "Calling to check on me already?" I wasn’t really joking. He'd sent me four messages this morning asking how I felt.

“Among other things. I wanted to hear your voice."

That went straight to my heart. "Hmmm... and you also think you can tell how I’m doing from my voice, don’t you?”

“I’m not even pretending otherwise.”

"I'm fine, Travis." But I honestly didn't mind that he was checking on me.

"Are you sure it's okay to be on your feet for so long?"

"Yes. I triple-checked with Dr. Taylor this morning. How's your day?"

"It's great. Reese finally accepted the job."

I yelped ecstatically. I knew how much he wanted this. "That's great. I'm so happy."

“So am I. But that's not why I called."

I snorted. "Oh, you have an agenda? Shocker. Let's hear it."

"Mom's birthday is in two weeks. I'd love for you to join me."

"Oh." I brought a hand to my chest. I hadn't expected that. "Are you sure? I mean, it's a family affair, and your parents just met me."

“You’d make Mom very happy. In fact, she called me today to ask me to ask you."
