Page 92 of Love Me Forever

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Reese’s face fell. “Crap. Now she’ll think I’m a bitch. I have to rethink my strategy. I’ll talk to her.”

“Please do. She’s a wonderful person, and we don’t want her to go back into retirement, trust me.”

Travis was a great boss. From the few things he'd told me, I knew he was good to his employees.

Reese nodded, then glanced at Kimberly. “Ready to go?”

“Hell yes. Let’s get our movie night going and leave the lovebirds alone. It was great meeting you, Bonnie.”

I smiled. “And you. Thanks for helping me pick a present.”

They both kissed my cheek before leaving.

Once they were gone, Travis moved his arm from my back to my shoulders. “What do you want to do?”

I shrugged. “Want to look around?”

“I saw you glancing to your right a couple times. Something caught your eye?”

“A booth that sells prints for baby rooms.”

“Let’s go look.”

"We said we were going to wait until we know what it is before picking things out," I murmured.

"There's no harm in looking now. Come on, I know you want to."

I smiled sheepishly. "Something is happening to my brain," I said.

"What do you mean?"

"It's like for a couple days, all I've been thinking about is baby, baby, baby."

"Then let's go find something for the baby."

Arm firmly around my shoulders, he led me to the booth in question.

I loved feeling him all around me, protective and possessive at the same time. Every time we walked near a puddle, he gently steered me away from it, like he was afraid I might exert myself too much if I had to stretch my legs to step over it.

I knew for certain, right here and right now, that Travis was in my heart to stay. I only hoped that I was going to be in his as well.

The booth with kids' items was honestly the most adorable thing I'd seen. They had prints depicting all sorts of things, such as a child on the moon scene. One of my favorites was the kid on a broomstick.

"God, I hope he or she is a Harry Potter fan. I need someone else to obsess over it."

He chuckled. "We can start by buying that painting. I'm sure with your grooming, it'll be impossible for him or her to not be a fan.”

I felt myself blush. “I'm going to buy the baby a broom as well.”

His eyes bulged. "What?"

"Small ones that babies can grip. Well, toddlers. I researched them online. They're made specifically to develop their squeezing reflexes." My hormonal brain was unleashed. "Maybe it's too wild."

"It's not. Look at your smile. You can wallpaper a whole room with Harry Potter stuff if you want to."

I perked up. "Please don't say that twice. I might take you up on it."

Travis kissed my forehead. "Whatever makes you happy makes me happy too."
