Page 15 of Unwrap Him

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The throb in my balls is what wakes me up.

They’re pumping so strong, it’s as if my heart is between my legs.

That and I think I’m drooling in my sleep. I can feel saliva trickling from the corner of my mouth, and my jaw is sore.

I must have been grinding my teeth.

But as I slip back into reality from wherever I was nestled in my subconscious, I find myself… sucking on something.

My first realization is that I must have been sleepwalking. I fell asleep on the couch next to James, watching the movie. I was curled up on my side, dozing.

But now I’m on my stomach, and without even noticing it until right now, my hips are grinding into the cushion.

I register my dick, stiff as a metal pole, trying to jam its way through my pants and into the fabric of the couch. My hips are doing its bidding, driving in slow thrusts as I hump and hump.

But the more I come to, the more I taste… salt. And skin.

That’s what wakes me fully the fuck up. The fact that I have something hard in my mouth, and I’m sucking on it, and it tastes suspiciously like a dick.

My eyelids flutter, and I glance up. Terror seizes my entire body.

James is lying before me, beneath me, sort of. His legs parted with me in between, pants unbuttoned and open. Dick out.

In my mouth.

His dick is in my mouth.

Holy fuck. Oh my God.

No no no… what am I doing?? How is this happening??

Panic sweeps through me fast, but I’m too frozen to move. I close my eyes and will myself back into the dream.

That’s gotta be it, right? I’m dreaming.

There’s no earthly way this is happening for real.

Opening my eyes a crack, I peek back up. And I catch the tail-end of James’s deep gray gaze, locked on mine. Before his lids slam shut.

Confusion ripples in my mind. Does he know what’s happening? Is he awake?

No. No one’s awake, because this is a dream. It’s not real.

And my attention is immediately back on the fact that I still have his dick in my mouth.

It’s long, so so long, and thick. Huge, really.

That must be why my jaw is sore…

My tongue slides on its own, no clue why, but it does. And a sound graces my ears.

A hum. A soft, raspy noise that came straight from the chest of a grown-ass man.

It sounds like him.

I can’t deny the fact that I’m clearly in love with this. If it is a dream, it’s the best one ever. And it has to be one, which is why I’m not moving my mouth away, nor is he stopping me.

It’s not really happening… And in my dreams, I get to do the things I could never do in real life.
