Page 55 of Bad at Heart

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A low growl rumbles out of me before I can stop it. The sound has Liam glancing over, his eyes widening as he smirks.

“The lass isn’t going anywhere.”

His smirk widens to a teasing grin as he starts to laugh. “Had her in your condo for less than a month, and you’ve gone and fallen in love with her? Rookie move.”

I shrug, turning my attention back to the road. “Of course I love her.”

Liam almost swerves the SUV, jerking his head around to stare at me. He’s blinking, and his jaw slacks like an eejit for a long moment before he clears his throat, turning his attention back to driving.

“When’s the wedding?” he asks drily. I ignore the little prick. If I respond, he’ll see it as an invitation to keep fucking talking.

Chapter Twenty


The police have finally published all the names of my neighbors killed in the fire. Mrs. Holtman’s name was there. She was almost eighty. I didn’t think she would have made it out.

Still, I smile sadly as I remember her soft white curly hair that I used to help her cut, her bright green eyes, and her happy smile as she cackled with delight when I, at her insistence, showed her some of my stripper moves.

I have finally made it out of the condo – for real this time - to my dressing table at Oracle to clean it out. It’s time I did it – I start as a waitress in a few days. Waitresses don’t have lockers or tables in the dressing room. Their lockers are in a small room near the kitchenette.

I got a lift with Ronan today. He’s down the hall in his office while I shove everything in the duffel bag he gave me. My fingers brush another plain white envelope withFiona Clathamstamped on the front. Shit. My hand snatches away like I’ve been burned. Again.

I need those gloves they were all wearing the last time they examined the envelope. The rubber ones. I wonder where they keep those? Quickly shoving the rest of my things into my bag, I sling it over my shoulder, snagging the envelope and hurrying to the kitchenette.

I know Mellie keeps a first aid kit in here. Rooting around beneath the sink, I locate it, and sure enough, a box of gloves sits beside it. Thank goodness.

Snapping them on, I drop the duffel bag onto the floor beside the counter, carefully placing the envelope down and slowly sliding my finger underneath the seal to break it. Holding my breath, I tip the envelope contents onto the stainless steel industrial counter, rushing to the sink to empty the contents of my stomach.

“Fi?” Mellie’s soft voice floats over me as I’m dry heaving. “Shit. Get Ronan.”

I keep dry heaving, trying to hold back the sobs.

“Leannán?” Ronan’s hands stroke my hair, and he helps me straighten up. My eyes dart frantically around the room. Mellie and Niall are standing beside the counter with the envelope. Niall is wearing gloves as he examines the contents, and Mellie is hovering, peering over his shoulder.

“What is it, Niall?” Ronan asks, holding me against his strong, dependable chest and stroking my hair.

“Ash,” Niall grunts. “And a sliver of fire starter.”

“There’s a piece of paper still in the envelope.” Mellie points to it, and Niall snatches it up like he’s worried Mellie might touch it with her bare hands.

Niall plucks out the note and reads it, his eyes widening as they dart to my face, sliding across to Ronan’s.

Ronan’s arms tighten around me, a low rumble in his chest at the look on the Reaper’s face.

Pulling his phone out of his jeans, Niall hits some app, and Ronan’s phone lets out an alarm sound.

“Mellie.” Niall is using his scary Reaper voice now. “Take Fi to brush her teeth, and then bring her to us in Seamus’s office.”

Mellie starts, but instead of looking turned on like she usually does when Niall uses that tone, she mainly looks scared. A scared Mellie doesn’t bode well for me.

Hurrying over to me, she places her arm comfortingly around my shoulders, leading me to the bathroom, snagging my duffel bag on the way.

“Mellie, what’s going on?”

Mellie’s face is white, and her lips are pressed together as she shakes her head.

“I can’t, Fi. I’m sorry.”
