Page 22 of Forsaken Royals

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“I can’t wait to see how you fall apart when I taste you,” he said, nipping my earlobe. “I want to feel your thighs around my head. I don’t know if I’ll be able to stop. I’m addicted to you as it is.”

I hiked my leg up onto his hip, trying to get friction where I desperately needed it. He slid his hand downward, tugging on the button of my pants. But he didn’t undo it, the tease.

I undid it myself, easing the zipper down. I tried to stuff his hand down where I needed it, but he stopped me, sliding his leg between mine.

“Ride my thigh,” he said, pressing his leg up. “Show me how you’d ride my cock.”

It was close enough to the real thing for now. I bent my knees, so my core was resting against him and rolled my hips. The sensation made my brain hazy with lust, my body taken over by pure need.

“Fuck,” Lex whispered in my ear, taking one of my hands and guiding it to the enormous bulge in his jeans. “Feel how hard you’ve made me.”

I stroked him through his jeans while I rode his thigh, almost mindless in my drive toward my climax. I was so into it that I jumped when a group of people walked by, talking amongst each other.

“Shit,” I said, tugging my shirt down from where it had rubbed against the wall. “Should we leave?”

“Yeah. Let’s fly. It’ll be faster. I’ll have someone pick up your groceries. Leave them on the ground.” He stepped out of the alley, and I gave him space.

In a gust of air, he transformed into his dragon form. Lex was massive, bigger than any dragon shifter I’d ever seen. He even dwarfed a bus going by, his silver scales glimmering in the moonlight. He extended a wing down to the ground, and I climbed up it, settling on his back. Once I was in place, holding onto one of the ridges along the back of his neck, he took off toward the palace.

I looked down at the city as we rose higher, my heart racing in anticipation.



The exhilaration of flying and the anticipation of what Lex was going to do dampened when we landed at the palace grounds. I took in the enforcers who were posted outside the palace as I slid off of Lex’s back. Everyone had to know what we were up to. I ran my tongue over my kiss-swollen lips and tried to fix my hair, but I probably made it worse. Lex had shifted back, and he looked just as disheveled.

“Don’t bother,” he said, putting an arm around me and guiding me inside. “The enforcers know to keep their mouths shut about what goes on here.”

He slung me over his shoulder and carried me back to my room without saying anything else. The unfinished tension between us was so thick that I feared how intense it would be when it broke.

The door had hardly shut before he set me down and was all over me again, one hand on my ass and the other on one of my breasts, his teeth raking along my neck. I gasped, trying to touch him, but he had me pinned.

“You’re very lucky that you aren’t wearing a skirt,” Lex said, undoing the buttons on my jeans. “Because I would have fucked you in the backseat of that car.”

“What, you couldn’t take off my pants?” I kicked off my shoes and wiggled my jeans off. “You must not have wanted me that badly, then.”

He picked me up and moved to my bed with astonishing speed, laying me on my back.

“I want you, and I always get what I want.” He cupped my mound, the damp fabric of my panties sticking to my lips. “But once I start with you, I will not want to stop for a long time.”

He ripped my panties off in one smooth movement and threw them across the room. Next came my t-shirt, then my bra, leaving me bare to him. His gaze raked over my body like he was starving and didn’t know where to start. I parted my thighs, hoping he’d catch the hint.

He glanced between them but climbed up my body to suck the side of my neck again. How had he found the exact spot that made me want to do anything he asked?

“You’re wearing too many clothes,” I said once I found my voice again.

“Am I?”

He kissed his way down to my breasts, lightly nipping each of my nipples. His tongue was pure torture, licking around each areola until I was nearly panting. The contrast between the damp trail left by his tongue and the cool air only made my nipples harder. I tried to speak again, but the words got stuck in my throat. So, I just moaned, digging my fingers into his hair.

Still, he didn’t take off his shirt or pants.

I yanked his t-shirt up, my hands skimming up his warm chest. His muscles were hard, and the light dusting of hair on his chest was just coarse enough to tickle my skin. It was going to feel so good when he was on top of me, our bodies pressed together. Finally, he helped me pull it over his head. His body was just as immaculate as it appeared under clothes. No, better. I loved every one of his muscles as they rippled under his skin with every movement.

My hands roamed over whatever part of him I could touch as he teased my breasts until I was almost in tears. I tried to push him down to give me some kind of relief between my thighs, but he didn’t move. He pinned my arms down so I couldn’t help myself out, either.

“What do you want, Arden?” he whispered into my ear, then moved his mouth down my neck.

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