Page 41 of Yuletide Guard

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“Uh, uh, uh,” he caught her hands in one of his and pulled them up, pinning them above her head. “No rushing. We can do it your way next time, but this time we’re taking our time.” To prove his point, he kissed her impossibly lightly and then trailed a line of equally light kisses down her neck, between her breasts, and down her stomach stopping just above her pants.

“Mike,” she groaned, squirming.

He wanted to give her what she wanted, and he wanted to torment her a little longer because this was something he had dreamed about for a long time now and he wanted it to never end.

In the end, his impatient Samara made the decision for him by pushing up on her elbows and shoving his pants down his thighs, and reaching into his boxers, claiming his hard length with her nimble fingers and making him groan. No way was he coming this quickly like an inexperienced adolescent.

“Okay, okay,” he said, grabbing her hand and uncurling her fingers one by one. “You got what you wanted.” He climbed off the bed, shed his jeans and boxers, pulled a condom from his pocket, and slid it on, then pulled off Samara’s sweatpants and panties and tossed them on the floor.

Then he was between her legs, slipping a finger inside her tostretch her and prepare her to take him. She was wet, and he groaned again liking the idea that he turned her on, made her body weep for his touch.

“Hurry up, Mike,” she said, her hips thrusting restlessly. “You're going to make me come, and I don’t want to until you're inside me.”

Swirling his thumb across her little bundle of nerves, he withdrew his fingers and slid into her in one smooth thrust. His mouth claimed hers again, and he kissed her as his hands roamed her body, wanting to feel every single inch of her, wanting their bodies to be joined forever. They moved as one, and it didn't take long for that feeling to take hold deep in his belly, growing and working its way out until it consumed him.

Samara murmured his name as she tumbled over the edge, and a second later he joined her, falling into an ocean of bliss as wave after wave of ecstasy washed over him. Balancing his weight so he didn't crush her, Michael laid on top of her for a moment longer, not quite ready to leave the warmth of Samara’s body.

This was where he wanted to be.

This was the only place he wanted to be.

It was even better than he had dreamed about.

Throwing away something this beautiful, this perfect, that made him feel this good would be a mistake.

For the first time in his life, he was in love, and he wasn't going to let anyone ruin it. Not Samara and her fears, not the stalker and his obsession, and not himself and his guilt.


9:20 P.M.

Samara yawned and opened her eyes.

“Hey, sleepyhead.”

She lifted her head to see Michael looking down at her. They were still in her bed although it looked like only she had been sleeping, Michael was sitting beside her, propped up against the headboard, his laptop in his lap. She didn't even remember falling asleep, one moment she had been snuggled in Michael’s arms after they made love, and now she was waking up.

“How long was I asleep?” she asked, fighting another yawn.

“Couple of hours.”

“Sorry.” She rubbed at her eyes and sat up. Falling asleep right after sex wasn't the best impression, especially when it was the first time they'd had sex.

“Don’t be sorry, you needed the rest. You're recovering from a concussion, and after everything that’s gone on the last few months with your stalker, plus the stress of the last few days, your body decided it had had enough.”

He was right, she just wished that her body had held out a little longer. Lying in Michael’s arms had almost been better than making love. She liked this. Waking up with someone there beside her instead of all alone was wonderful. It was something so simple, and yet it meant so much to her.

“What were you doing while I slept?” she asked, looking at the laptop screen. It looked like he was running a search.

“Just the usual, trying to figure out who this guy is and where you met him,” Michael answered.

Thinking of her stalker pulled her out of the warm, fuzzy cocoon she had been in since Michael pulled her off the fence.

Back to reality.

The little break had been nice, but nothing had changed.

Well, one thing had changed, she and Michael were together now, but as far as the stalker went, he was still out there, and he was still going to keep killing people until he got what he wanted. As much as she hated knowing that more people would die because of her, she didn't think she could offer herself up tohim now. If she threw her life away so that no one else got hurt, that would devastate Michael. He had already lost his daughter, which he blamed himself for, if he lost her too, he would blame himself because he was her bodyguard. In his mind, if she were hurt while he was responsible for her safety it would be his fault.
