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“I hadn’t known this was a possibility,” Linda said. “But my daughter saw the ad on the town Facebook page. We checked out your page and realized there were so many changes being done. The place is just lovely.”

Mona smiled. Jasmine noticed that Mona was dressed fairly fancy. At least in her eyes. Thinking back, Mona had been wearing similar clothes at the last meeting.

Linen trousers, a soft floral chignon silk top and low-heeled sandals.

The restaurant was more casual fare and attire. People were coming in off the water most time in shorts or bathing suits. But she knew the backroom that was now going to house events was trying to cater to all clientele.

“Thank you,” Mona said. “I’m trying. And we’d love for you to get the word out there too. Once you are set with your flowers, then you and I can decide on linens and how you’d like the tables set up.”

“That’s wonderful,” Linda said. “My daughter isn’t fussy. She wanted low key, but the excitement is getting to her, and friends and coworkers kept asking if she was having a baby shower. The next thing I know, she figured she’d rather have one big shower than have small ones given at work and so on. I suppose I don’t blame her and it’s my first grandchild.”

Jasmine pulled out two binders full of designs and flowers. She set them on the table. “First, I can show you what I’ve done for other baby showers and we can go from there, or you can tell me what you are looking for and start it that way.”

“You know what?” Linda said. “I’m not sure what I want. Amanda is having a girl. I’m thinking soft colors. She’s not a huge fan of pink, but purple has always been her favorite color. Is there a way to make that more the dominant color with some pink mixed in? I just want it to look like it’s for a girl.”

“We can absolutely do that,” she said, flipping through some books and landing on flowers in purple. “These are what we’ve got in stock at all times. I grow them in our greenhouses. No worries at all about late shipments. But if you find other flowers you like we can order them too.”

“I love that,” Mona said. “I can’t tell you how many times I’ve hosted parties in the past and had to change things last minute due to shipping delays or products not available.”

Jasmine could imagine the type of parties that Mona used to host but only nodded her head.

“We pride ourselves on almost everything being grown right here in Mystic; however, there are things we can’t or don’t sustain enough. Those we ship in and don’t normally have too much of an issue. But it does keep the costs down by growing them locally.”

They went through designs and flowers, even the colors, and decided on what would work the best. A big arrangement at the head table and smaller ones at each table that could be gifts for guests to take home.

“I’ve found that most love taking fresh flowers home,” Linda said.

She wondered if now was a time to bring up what Lily said to her before she left. Yeah, it couldn’t hurt. “Well, if you are looking at these to be gifts, there is something that we are just getting ready to roll out. I shouldn’t bring it up, as I’ve got no pictures, but I’ll throw it out there.”

Mona was rubbing her hands together. “I love new ideas.”

She explained the ideas with Poppy’s products. Said there could be a wide range of things from headbands to broaches or barrettes. Anything that Poppy made, but she’d have to check with the availability and cost. It was new, but she wanted to put it out there.

“I love that idea,” Linda said. “We are looking at about six tables not counting the head table. I think something small like a headband or hair accessory in each would be lovely. I’d love a scarf, but that doesn’t seem as if it would work with this and it would really push the price over the top, I’m sure. Not trying to be cheap.”

“That’s not being cheap at all,” she said. “It’s practical. And again, it doesn’t have to be all. It could be a few or one. Like a special prize.”

“I will pay for that,” Mona said.

“What?” Linda asked.

“One time. You’re my first event here. I’m excited. It’s the start of my new career and it sounds like this is a start of a new line for the flower shop. Why not? If you trust me to work with Jasmine on it, I’ll make sure it matches the floral arrangements you’ve chosen.”

“I appreciate it,” Linda said. “It will be a nice surprise for me and Amanda. I’m not a control freak that I worry about those things. Thank you again.”

Jasmine finished the meeting and then left for Linda and Mona to continue, Mona telling her she’d call her later with more details. Which worked for her because she needed to talk to Lily and Poppy right away and wondered if she overstepped herself. She hoped not.

When she was walking out to her car, she almost ran into someone looking at his phone as he turned the corner of the building.

“Sorry,” he said. “My fault.”

She looked up into the dark stormy blue eyes of Wesley. All that planning and those ideas Poppy had meant nothing when she was staring at the man that had been on her mind for a solid week.

“Hi, Wesley. It’s fine.”

“Jasmine, right?” he said.

She tried not to frown over the fact it was as if he was guessing her name. She supposed that since he remembered it, it was something at least.
