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“Jasmine, you outdid yourself. These are stunning. Poppy’s pieces are perfect too. I’m so glad that you brought it up.”

“Thank you for doing it. I’ve got one more thing. It’s for you. Hang on.”

She went back to her car to get her bag and brought in the small vase of flowers for Mona as a thank you.

“What’s this?” Mona asked, reaching for it.

“A gift from Blossoms. The scarf is from Poppy.” Which was fashioned in a bow around the vase and Jasmine had to admit it looked like it belonged.

It was a light summer chignon in ivory with red and orange poppies on the ends. To match it, Jasmine put red, orange and yellow poppies with white roses in the vase. Bright and cheerful.

“She didn’t need to do this, but I love it. I’m going to get a few pictures of it along with everything set up today too to put on our site.”

“I figured you would. I did take some pictures of the arrangements before I left along with yours. We do appreciate the advertising. When you get a minute, if you’ve got any brochures for Mona’s, I’d like to put them in the shop too. We like to promote other businesses in the area, but in this case, we’ll be helping each other out.”

“I would love that. I’m having them printed now. I can have Wesley get them to you,” Mona said, smirking.

“That was a nice sly way to slip it into the conversation,” she said, smiling. “I feel the need to tell you your son is a great guy. I expect he got that way due to the way he was raised.”

“Aren’t you just a sweetheart? I wasn’t always around for him. That issue would be exaggerated by my ex-husband if you ever talk to him, but Wesley turned out great. He’s had a couple of hard years.”

“As have you,” she said.

Mona tilted her head. “Yes. My son told me you are aware of Noelle and what happened. It was devastating for him and me. She was like the daughter I never had.”

Which would explain some of what Wesley had said in terms of his mother working so hard at the lawsuit. They hadn’t talked much about it because she didn’t feel it was her place.

Plus, she didn’t want to know.

But curiosity got the best of her and she did some research and was able to find a small article in a Tampa paper. The amount won wasn’t disclosed and that was fine. She wouldn’t ask.

Wesley had said it was his mother’s largest win and she’d found herself in a wormhole searching Mona and any cases she’d had. What she’d found were several over fifty million and plenty more undisclosed.

Jasmine wasn’t sure why she bothered to look. Based on Wesley’s previous job, the company he worked for, and his title, he’d been making damn good money.

She hadn’t been lying when she told him she wasn’t looking for money, but she was starting to feel a little self-conscious, which prompted her to see what he might really be worth.

It didn’t take much for someone to be a millionaire nowadays. Her bosses all were. Reese McGill was going to be an heir to a billion-dollar legacy.

But her bosses and their significant others all seemed so down to earth to her.

Just like Wesley, she had to remind herself.

“I enjoy the time I have with your son. We are both busy and in our crazy seasons. I just wanted you to know that I understand what he’s gone through. I respect his need for time too.”

Mona came over and hugged her, and she wasn’t sure what she expected, but not that. “Sweetie. You are what he needs. I’m not making plans for the future and I’m sure you and Wesley aren’t either. It’s not that. I’m not one to talk…”

“More so about your family and their affairs.”

“Exactly. But my son, he’s my world. We’ve both seen how fast it can change. I hoped moving here would help and not hurt and it seems as if it is.”

If Jasmine wanted to ask what that comment meant, she didn’t have a chance since Linda walked in with two other women and started to oooh and ahhhh over the room.

“I’ll let you get to work,” she said. “I’d like to go visit Wesley if you can point me in the right direction. Or do you think he’s too busy?”

“He’s not going to be too busy to see you.”

She nodded and turned to leave, but Linda came over and thanked her for the lovely flowers and said she’d spread the word, asking for a card.
