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“I came back to check on Jasmine, but I’ll let you two get your work done.”

When Poppy was gone, she said, “Your sister sure is a piece of work.”

“She is,” Rose said. “Do you have the list I gave you last week of what I needed?”

“I do,” she said. Rose often gave her notice of what flowers she wanted to dry out. Or rather Violet dried them out for Rose most times. “They are over there. My guess is they will be ready for you in a few days.”

“Perfect. I’ve got an idea for a necklace I want to do. Almost like several connecting pendants and I want to try different flowers and see how it goes.”

“Everything you do is beautiful,” she said.

“Thank you. I know Lily will be down shortly. She’ll want to hear about how the arrangements were received with the scarf and hair accessories on them.”

“I thought for sure that is what Poppy was going to ask,” she said.

“I think she got distracted by your movements. I’ve been there, I get it. Poppy is like a hawk though circling around to go in for the kill. Sometimes things go right over her head, but other things in life, she is right on top of them.”

“I’ve noticed that,” she said.

Rose left and Jasmine went back to work, Lily coming down an hour later.

“How was your weekend?” Lily asked.

“It was nice. How was yours?”

“Peaceful,” Lily said. “I need a lot more of them. Zara and Ren took Willow to a water park while Tess had Max. They tired her right out and she was carried in sleeping. Zane and I enjoyed the afternoon to ourselves.”

“I’m sure it’s a nice feeling to have that time,” she said.

It brought back the conversation she’d had with Wesley yesterday. The one about kids. That he wanted them and Noelle didn’t. That they weren’t on the same page.

She wondered how horrible that had to feel to know your window was closing and you might not get what you wanted because you pushed it off when you shouldn’t have.

“It was. Zane and I don’t get much time together. Not that I’m complaining. We are both busy with work and getting ready for the baby, but having a nesting day was wonderful too. We got to talk and plan and figure things out.”

“Like what?” she asked. “If you don’t mind sharing. As you know, my life was so much different. We didn’t have a lot of say in anything. I bet you and Zane won’t be that way. Not that it matters for many years.”

Lily grinned. “No, it won’t, but with Willow she is allowed to voice her opinions and thoughts. She’s a smart girl and has her father wrapped around her finger, but she doesn’t always get her way either.”

“I think that is great,” she said. They never had that. She wasn’t Daddy’s girl and didn’t try to be. Ivy did and she’d felt the effects of being the baby for years and then Chase came along.

Chase was the baby and got the most attention. Not just from their mother and father, but the rest of the siblings at that point who had to help out.

It was part of their life.

And when Chase showed an interest in being with their father at a young age and asking so many questions, it was as if her father found his prodigy and the rest was history.

Rather than the story time they used to get once a week with their father leading the way and Ivy on his lap, it was more about questions and answers about the culture they were living in. Not just medical wise, which Jasmine had to say she did appreciate, but Ivy didn’t.

Maybe the three oldest were just used to not getting so much attention that it didn’t matter to them when another kid came along.

Or as her mother often said, they were each their own person.

“It is. We can talk business in a few minutes though. I’m sure there is more you want to talk to me about,” Lily said. “Maybe a new relationship in your life? No one really ever comes to me for advice.”

She could tell Lily was eager and had always been the most motherly of the three sisters. “I think everyone goes to you for advice, Lily.”

“Ah, but notdatingadvice,” Lily said. “As we know, I haven’t had a ton of experience there.”
