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“But you were married and lost your husband.”

She knew this was tricky. She’d never met Carl, but she’d heard enough conversations in this town that Lily only married Carl for his money...which she thought was a joke because she knew the girls’ business was worth more times over than the flower shop would ever be.

She also knew Lily loved Carl. It was obvious in the way she talked about her older late husband, but it wasn’t the kind of love you’d see with a spouse. More like an uncle.

Then there were the conversations she’d heard bits and pieces of between the sisters when no one thought she was around. That it wasn’t a traditional marriage.

It’d been years though since Lily had been in a relationship after Carl. Zane was the first.

Sure, Lily had gone on a few dates here and there but nothing more. That alone made her realize there was more going on than anyone would ever know.

So, yeah, Lily was the perfect one to talk to about this.

“I was and I did,” Lily said. “Let me ask, how are things with Wesley? It’s been a few weeks, right? And we know you hit the sheets this weekend because Poppy has radar for that.”

“The couch on the patio,” she said. “The sheets on his bed. We might have found another spot if I had stayed last night, but I went home.”

“Did you want to stay the night?” Lily asked.

“I’m not sure. Is that horrible? I know I’m the first person he’s been with since Noelle died. He told me and I believe him. I’ve been treading lightly for him, but he’s been doing it for me.”

“Which is considerate on both of your ends. You don’t date much either. Can I ask why?”

She sighed. “I’m not sure. I think part of it’s that it was forbidden before I went to college. Everything was temporary back then. We were minors in a foreign country and not always living in the nicest of areas. Definitely not the most secure of countries.”

“You were watched carefully?” Lily asked.

“All of us were. Not just by my older brother either. We stuck together. There were other doctors there often too. Some had spouses but not many. Very few had kids. Our housing was in a better part of where my father serviced but still not wonderful. And because we moved so much, it wasn’t worth forming attachments.”

She remembered when she was fourteen and flirting with a local somewhere they only stayed for a few months. She honestly couldn’t even remember at this point. It was a stopping over point until they were ready for her father’s next assignment.

Her father caught her out talking one night and made her come in. He’d warned her never to go out alone again at night like that.

She’d told him not everyone couldn’t be trusted, but he said he wasn’t taking the chance.

Her temper got the best of her and she’d yelled at him. Told him if he didn’t want to take the chance then they should have had a more stable secure life than what they did. It wasn’t fair what they were all being forced to do and live.

Her mother had come out to calm her down and bring her to the garden. Her father had been upset by her words and left. Her mother smoothed things over.

It didn’t matter to her. She knew she was right to feel the way she did. She wasn’t alone because Mark, Dahlia, and Ivy felt the same way. But Mark had already gone to college and Dahlia didn’t have much longer before she left too.

Which meant Jasmine would have more responsibility as the oldest to watch out for Ivy and Chase. It wasn’t that she just wanted to be a kid, but a normal one like those in America.

“I can understand that. With Poppy, Rose and me, it was just us and our mother. And when she was gone, it fell to me.”

She knew it fell on Lily even when Holly Bloom was alive.

Again, small towns and she’d heard it all. How their flighty single mother often went on midnight walks to center her soul, leaving the three girls home alone. One of those walks led to Holly’s death when she was hit by a car, the driver never found.

“You can relate on so many levels.”

“I can,” Lily said. “Listen, Jasmine. Love is a journey. And not one that everyone takes the same path to. Love comes in all forms too. Some stronger than others. It stands to reason grief and sorrow are the same way.”

Her shoulders dropped. “I know. We’ve talked about Noelle on and off. I don’t like to ask, but I did yesterday and then felt bad.”

“Why did you feel bad?” Lily asked.

“Because I feel I brought up a sore subject.”
