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“More power to her for letting him make those decisions on her life.”

“What?” he asked.

“Wesley. Seriously. No man is telling me if I can or can’t work. I’m not trying to be a bitch. I get having kids and making the best decision for the family, but being told I couldn’t doesn’t fly with me. I don’t like to be told anything.”

“Good point,” he said.

“Life is a compromise. I get that. I know it. I knew it as a kid. But we weren’t allowed to have any part in that. We could speak our minds. My parents listened, but they still made their decisions regardless of what we had to say.”

“As a parent, some would say that is their prerogative.”

“It is,” she said. “I’m not arguing that part. I just feel like they shouldn’t have had five kids if they had more important things in their life they wanted to do.”

Her voice trailed off and she realized that might have been the first time she’d ever said those words.

He reached his hand over and laid it on her thigh. “I won’t be that way when I have kids.”

She wasn’t sure why he was saying that to her. Probably just conversation.

“Me neither,” she said.

They pulled into the restaurant and got out. “I’m guessing he’s here. My father normally drives a Lexus and that one has Florida plates on it.”

“Then let’s go meet the family,” she said, looping her arm through his.

Wesley gave his name and was shown to their table in the back. She could see the resemblance he had to his father and then the minute they realized he wasn’t alone. The smile his father had on his face was dropped faster than Ivy dropping a bug Chase handed her when he innocently told her he had a gift for her.

“Dad, Brenda, this is my girlfriend, Jasmine Greene. Jasmine, Henry and Brenda Wright.”

She reached her hand out and shook with them both. Brenda was smiling, Henry not so much. “It’s so nice to meet you,” Brenda said. “We had no idea Wesley was dating someone. No one said anything. Henry, why didn’t you tell me?”

“I didn’t know,” Henry said.

“Isn’t it wonderful?” Brenda said, nudging him.

“Yes, yes,” Henry said. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I didn’t have much of a chance with you dropping in suddenly,” he said. “I figured I could introduce you tonight at dinner before you left tomorrow. Not sure when I’ll see you again.”

Jasmine could see Henry looked unsure after that statement. “We aren’t positive we are leaving tomorrow. It’s such a lovely area, that maybe we can take another day.”

“I’d rather get back home,” Brenda said. “I’m just dreading the ride back and would like to get it over with.”

Jasmine held the giggle back when Wesley nudged her foot.

“How did you two meet?” Henry asked. “And how long have you been dating? As far as I know you’re the first person since Noelle?”

The way Henry whispered Noelle’s name was almost insulting. As if he thought his son would break by hearing it.

“We met through Mona’s,” she said. “I am a florist and we were working together for a party.”

“That sounds like so much fun,” Brenda said. “I sure do love gardening back home. Henry thinks it’s silly I spend so much time with my plants and flowerbeds, but we get so many compliments when we entertain. Maybe you wouldn’t mind me picking your brain.”

“Not a problem,” she said. “I’d love to help if I can.”

They ordered their drinks when the waitress came over and then their food at the same time.

“Are you from this area?” Brenda asked her. It seemed as if Wesley's father was taking to frowning more than talking. Looks were going back and forth between the two men and she felt bad for her boyfriend.
