Page 65 of Take Me, Daddy

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“I am. I can’t ask that again, Irma,” I protested.

“You’re not. I insist,” she added quickly, and Emma wriggled beside me.

“Irma, you don’t have to do that.” I blushed, my pride simmering a bit because I never much liked to accept charity.

“I want to. I need Emma’s help to bake my chocolate chip banana muffins today anyway,” Irma winked. Emma immediately picked up on it and started jumping up and down with excitement.

“I want chocolate chip banana muffins,” Emma squealed.

“That’s cheating,” I protested.

“Maybe,” Irma chuckled, but when it came to my daughter, I hated not giving in to something that made her smile, especially when I thought about what she’d been through with her father.

“Fine,” I sighed, giving in with a roll of my eyes.

“Yay!” Emma screamed while Irma handed me my morning coffee.

“It’s got an extra shot of espresso this morning so you can have energy to… well, you know,” she winked, and my face must have turned bright red because she broke into a fit of giggles.

I shook my head as Emma raced around the counter and I said my goodbyes, wanting to get out of there as soon as possible so that she didn’t see any more of my shame. I waved as I walked out the door. Emma turned just long enough to wave back at me, before begging Irma for a muffin right then.

I stared at the ground as I carried my cleaning supplies to Kieran’s apartment a few blocks away. When I climbed the stairs to his apartment, I took a deep breath and tried to gather myself before I walked inside. When I was finally ready, I opened the door with the sincere hope that he would be waiting for me in the sitting room.

I was a bit saddened to see that he wasn’t, but there was a big box on the coffee table wrapped in a pretty lavender bow. There was a tag on it, and I opened it so that I could read it.

For my little girl.

I expect you towear what is inside this box and absolutely nothing else. I will be arriving in a few hours, and I will make sure to check very thoroughly to see that you followed my instructions.


I stepped from one foot to the other, both aroused and embarrassed that he’d called me by my pet name and signed it with his. I noted that he hadn’t signed it ‘with love’ or anything else. I tried not to think about it, but it was a bit difficult.

With a deep shaky breath, I put that aside and opened the box to find the most scandalous maid outfit I’d ever laid eyes on. It was so short that it would probably only just cover my pussy and maybe my bottom cheeks, but no more than that. I lifted it out of the box, noting that the fabric was buttery soft. It wasn’t the cheap sort of costume that you found at a retail store or a Halloween outlet. This was probably handmade.

I noticed that there were no bra and panties in the box either. I was going to be totally bare beneath it. His message was clear. I was to wear the maid outfit and nothing else. If I wore my bra, I’d probably get a real spanking like I had yesterday and I very much didn’t want to feel his hard hand on my still aching backside. Even thinking about it made my bottom clench with a jolt of nervousness.

I’d much rather hear him call me a good girl again. Just thinking about hearing those words on his lips made me smile and I knew that I would choose to be obedient in the end. I glanced toward the doorway before looking away and started to strip.

I slipped the dress over my head. There was a pair of black satin ballet flats also in the box, so I pushed my feet into those next, smiling when I noticed that they were perfectly sized for me.

The skirt just barely covered my bottom and my pussy, but I knew full well that if I bent over, everything in between my legs would be on full display. Kieran was going to come home and want to see all of it in just a little while. I didn’t know when, but that only added to the excitement of the whole thing.

When I was ready, I started to clean. I tried to be more thorough than usual because I wanted him to be happy with the work I’d done, which meant that my mind was constantly circling back to him. It felt like forever, but when I finally heard the door creak, I knew he’d come home. I also knew when he inspected me, he was going to find me soaking wet from being made to do my job dressed like this.

His footsteps echoed against the hardwood floor as he rounded the corner. I stood tall as his eyes hungrily roved over my body. I’d never felt so desired as I did in that moment. He closed the distance between us in two steps, pulled me against his chest, and kissed me with the kind of roughness that told me he’d been thinking about me all day too.

His hands roved down my back and beneath my skirt. I knew he was checking to make sure that I wasn’t wearing any panties and when he found out that I wasn’t he growled hungrily with need. He pulled back just enough to slip his palm over my breast to find that I wasn’t wearing a bra either.

“That’s my good girl,” he purred.

“Daddy,” I blushed.

“Lift your skirt and show Daddy how good of a girl you are for him,” he demanded.

I whimpered breathily, but I lifted my skirt and showed him my bare pussy just as instructed. I’d taken a shower this morning and had shaved, so I was extra smooth just for him.

“Have you finished cleaning?” he asked quietly.
