Page 40 of Shadows and Runes

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He stalks toward the creature, circling the beast as if it’s his prey. A dark tilt to his lips as he watches it tremble below him.

“Anyone or anything that touches what'sminewill suffer an existence far worse than the pleasureof death.”

His stare is dark and cruel as he circles the beast. A depraved look on his face, promising dark things…and not the fun kind.

“What did it touch of yours?” My brows furrow.

Lucien flinches at my question. He glances at my hand before turning away.

I narrow my eyes as I replay his words and actions in my head.

Did he just call mehis?

No, that couldn’t be right.Lucien wasn’t interested in me like that.

I step forward, about to ask him what he meant when a loud roar bellows out from upstairs. The sound instantly sends me into a panic.

Are we under attack? Did the Interitus manage to get past the Autariums barrier? Or did Mirin finally have enough of sharing her space and kill one of the whiny people in the Library?

Endless thoughts and scenarios fly through my head as I pass Lucien and run up the stairs.

And straight into a room full of chaos.


I rushtoward the main Library, the loud roar vibrating from the room. Raised, angry voices become louder as I reach it.

I push open the doors and enter to a barrage of yelling people, all crowded around the reception desk.In the middle of them stands Ilyric and Cole, stopping them from pushing forward and toward the object of their anger.


He stands behind the reception desk, his face void of any color, his eyes trembling at the angry crowd before him, spewing visceral hatred in his direction.

My breathing catches in my throat, a sharp pain stabbing at my chest as I watch him take all their anger, never once shouting back or returning their rage.He just stands there, my beautiful and kind shifter, taking all that pain by himself.

My eyes flicker to the crowd gathered before him, spewing nonsense, a red film coating my eyes as they continue their tirade.

“It’s him! He’s the traitor!”

“Why are you protecting him?”

“Move! How can you help him?!”

“He’s the reason we lost our friends!”

“They’re dead because of him!”

Jace stands there frozen in shock as they hurl their misplaced anger at him, solitude and sadness overtaking his once bright and happy smile.His eyes look to the floor, unable to look into the hate-filled eyes any longer.

Anger, like I haven’t felt in years, rises from the depths of me.It burns like acid, twisting and turning inside me, wanting to gush from every pore. I close my eyes, trying to calm the rage wanting to consume me.

I open them just as a small glint by the bookshelves catches my eye, a wisp of magic moving through the books, an idea coming to me instantly.

I take another breath and feel for the magic in the Library, theAutarium'smagic.

I reach toward the small bond, hoping it will listen to my request. Something I’d never thought of or tried before. I push my thoughts and feelings toward our connection, hoping it will help this once.

Suddenly the room begins to shake and rumble, the people in the room shouting seconds ago, now scared and silent, as the magic continues its show.
