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Chasing after the man, my eyes lock on a beefy guy about halfway down the block. The robber is making his way toward the man.

I wave at him. “Stop him! Please! Oh God, please stop him!”

911 echoes in my head, “What’s your emergency?”

I’ve been robbed… and probably need a new job.


I zipmy jacket closer to my chin and bury my hands in my pocket. It’s cold out tonight, which isn’t a surprise since we are close to Christmas and this is a mountain town. The Blue Ridge Mountains never disappoint with their magic. I finished my shift as a bartender at Sip Happens Neighborhood Bar and don’t live far, but it wouldn’t hurt to start driving. This cold is brutal! Not to mention the Christmas decorations that make me stop every ten feet to look around. It takes me twice as long to get home.

One thing about Everville, they get into the Christmas spirit like something fierce. I’ve never been into the commercialism of the holiday. It can get to be too much for me. But I don’t mind a few traditions that me and my dad started when I was young.


Stopping in my tracks, I notice a woman chasing after a man, telling him to stop. Something is flying out of a bag that’s in his hands. She continues to wave and yell.

Watching the woman and the man, I have two choices, get out of the way, or try to take the man down. I play rugby, but this dude is booking! This won’t go well for one or both of us.

I have to decide, in three… two… one…

I move in front of the guy and brace. Shit, this is going to hurt. His body impacts like a hammer to a nail. I fly backward and hear a crunch of snow while the side of my head slams into the salt covered sidewalk. Pain engulfs my body, and my vision goes in and out of the blackness.

The most beautiful blonde angel with unruly curly hair stands over me with wide eyes and tears flowing down her cheeks.

“Oh, God, don’t die” are the only words I hear.

And the world fades to black.

* * *


I shiver and shake as I hold the guy’s head in my lap. Red and blue lights spin down the street as I watch over the man who so valiantly sacrificed himself. He’s moaned a couple of times, but he hasn’t come to yet.

I hope he’s okay. I don’t know what I’d do if he’s seriously hurt. He tried to save the day. The robber still ran off, but people milled around after hearing the commotion I caused with all my yelling. They even started collecting all the money the robber dropped and put it back in the bag, dropping it next to me.

This wasn’t like the first time. That time I didn’t know who did it. This time was scary. The man looked me in the eye, and I was ridiculous to race after him.

My brother and parents will be so upset. I’m so upset at myself. Sometimes I just don’t think.

Adrenaline. It had to be the adrenaline to make me do such a foolish thing. The snow packed sidewalk didn’t make it any easier. I was slipping around like a toddler on roller skates.

I gaze down at the man in my lap…until this guy.

Wake up. Please wake up. I’m sorry I involved you.

I push his hair out of his eyes and he groans. My heart rate spikes.

He’s a good-looking man. Solid. He’s broad shouldered and has big muscles, but he shivers seeing as we’re in single digit weather. I pull him in closer and rub his arms, hoping to heat him.

His eyes flicker open and stay on me. “Am I dead?”

Laying my hand over his chest, I shake my head. “Your heart’s still beating.”

“You’re so beautiful. Please don’t leave me.”

My eyes widen, and I’m still as I gaze into his hazel eyes. “What?”
