Page 41 of Hopelessly Wild

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I open my eyes and try to focus. Is it morning already?

Samuel hands me his phone. “It’s Dr. Jagdeo.” He’s dressed, showered, and shaved. I’m still in bed.

“What time is it?”

“Eight thirty.”

And I have an overwhelming urgency. I wave my hand at him to take the phone. “I have to pee.”

Samuel chuckles before he speaks. “She needs to pee.”

Argh. Did he have to tell him?

“Sure, I’ll pass on her results.”

My bladder hasn’t been the same this past week. I’m sure our daughter takes pleasure dancing on my organs.

When I exit the bathroom, Samuel has ended the call. “Did you want to talk to him because you can call him back?”

“Do I need to?”

“Your bloods are fine, and your fecal samples have come back negative for blood or any worms.”

“Worms?” I cough.

“There are worse things than worms. He wants you to stay on the iron tablets until you have the baby.”

“Those tablets make my…”

“No need to explain.” Samuel grins at me. “It’s best for now. You should have a repeat blood test in another month to compare.”

Another month. For now, I’m not sure where that will be. All I know is I want to be wherever Samuel is and notalone. “Hey, can we go out for coffee?” It’s a luxury to do these things with him, and I’m trying to show him what our future could look like.”

“I’ll do whatever you want since it’s our last day here.”

“Are all my results back?”

He nods once.

I’m not discussing anything right now. “Book a taxi for an hour. Maybe we can eat lunch in a quirky café.”

“Quirky…” He shakes his head.

“And maybe you can get a haircut,” I tell him.

The look on his face has me giggling as I head to the shower.

“I need a date, Eden.” He taps away on his phone. “We’re booking your flight home today.”

The smile has evaporated from my lips. “No.” I shake my head several times. “You promised me one month.”

“Okay. One month. Give me a day.” His steely eyes fix on me.

“Fine. Two days after Christmas so we get to celebrate together.”

“Eden.” He lowers the phone from his face. “You are required to fly before you’re thirty-six weeks pregnant. Now that your date is mid-January—”

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