Page 33 of Who We Love

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Jacob tried to stop everything by bringing up Grandma’s surgery and the health factors the chemicals in her hair and skin will create. Thea handed him the containers so he could read that everything was safe.

My parents took him to the kitchen. Since they came back, Jacob has been leaning against the wall with his arms crossed and a nasty glare toward my girl. He doesn’t get it. This party is to celebrate but also to cheer up Grandma.

It’s on the tip of my tongue to ask Ainsley about the surgery. Two of her heart valves need replacing. One doctor is sure the surgery will increase her quality of life. He, of course, explained the risks of said surgery but assured us that she had the same probabilities of not making it as a twenty-year-old athlete.

“Grandpa is having a blast too. They’re a pair of party animals, those two,” she snorts. I join the laugh, pleased that Tristan found a way to connect with my grandpa. “He has changed—Tristan. I’m glad that things are working for everyone.”

They aren’t working that great just yet, but we have an understanding of each other. I have a lot to work through before I can offer them a home and hopefully forever. It’s easy to say I’m here for you, but I have to have the tools to help them through all the trauma.

At least we have today. Tomorrow might be difficult, but there’s always a promise of a better day.

“Who can compete with that?” Pria fakes defeat, breaking the silence. “My cake became history the moment you said purple hair and tattoos. Uncalled for Agatha. I want a rematch.”

“I don’t think so, Cypriana,” Thea calls back.

“Ooh, those are fighting words,” Ainsley taunts, getting closer to where Grandma sits. “You know, I can break the tie of the favorite. The queen deserves a tribute.”

“I’ll have Jacob teach your classes tomorrow,” Pria offers Ainsley.

“No, I’m not, Twinkle,” he protests. “I don’t like children.”

He looks at Gracie and then drops his gaze. He needs a miracle, or to accept a sperm donation. I’m not going to discuss his fertility issues today, but maybe soon I’ll bring it up again.

“Free babysitting?” Thea counters, distracting us all from Jacob’s pain. “Just be aware that I’ve never changed a diaper or fed a baby. But I’ll learn, since you two need a nice weekend out of town to rekindle your romantic relationship.”

“Checkmate,” Grandpa says, raising his fists in triumph.

I turn to look at Tristan, who is grinning at me. Not sure if he let Grandpa win or not, but he really enjoys spending time with him.

“And we’re done,” Thea announces loudly as if no one was around her. “You look perfect, Grandma Janine.”

“Time for cake then,” Pria seconds the excitement, and both take Grandma to the dining room for cake.

Walking toward the chess table, I take Tristan into my arms and kiss him.

“What’s that for?” he asks, disentangling himself from my grasp.

“Grandpa enjoyed himself. You distracted him from tomorrow’s surgery,” I say, squeezing his hand.

He shrugs, walking to help Thea with the stuff she used for Grandma. They kiss, whispering something between each other, and then turn to look at me.

“We should contact the architect,” Tristan says as they walk toward me. “Living close would allow us to spend more time with the family, don’t you think?”

My chest swells with his words. Who is this man and where is my boyfriend? I want to joke, but I bite the words because this right here is him trying to change himself for the better.

For us.

“I’ll contact him, and maybe we can try to schedule something before Thanksgiving,” I offer while I take their hands and we walk to the dining room. Pria sets out the cake, and Ainsley gives Grandma a pouty look.

What happened? I sigh. “Give me a few, I have to check on the little sister.”

As I walk toward Ainse, Jacob does the same.

“It’s her first birthday in Seattle with us.” Ainsley lets out a big breath.

Shit, this is bad. Ainsley’s too sad. We both can feel that. Mason is watching her from the other side of the room while cradling Gracie. It’s amazing how he knows my sister needs a little TLC from her brothers and doesn’t intervene.

“She’s going to be fine, Ainsley.” Jacob doesn’t sound optimistic either, but I give him points for giving it a go.
