Page 12 of Off the Record

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“Guess I shouldn’t be surprised. You’re young enough.” A wry smile lifted one side of his mouth. “I’m still trying to figure it out, to be honest.”

“It takes a minute.”

“Mostly followed people and read what they write. I haven’t written much myself.”

“But you followed Landon Sparks.”

“Yep.” He dropped his phone in his blazer pocket. “He was the first one.”

The captain came over the loudspeaker, announcing we were minutes from landing, and I welcomed the natural break in conversation. I needed to calm down and get ready for whatever the next few days would bring. I had a lot ahead of me, a full itinerary. I was going to be in for a few long days, chock-full of event after event, and I wondered if I’d be able to get a true assessment of Landon during such a short visit.

I was still thinking about that after the plane landed and I exited the jetway to the small terminal at Palm Beach International Airport. It wasn’t a large place, and it took only a few minutes to navigate the hallways of brown tiles, porous limestone, wide windows, and “Welcome to Florida” posters. I was riding down the escalator to baggage claim when I saw a man in a dark suit holding a white piece of paper bearing my name.

Curious, I frowned and walked toward him as I took off my mask. “Are you looking for me?”

“You’re Rebecca Owens, right? The journalist fromAmerican Profile?”

I nodded.

“Pleased to meet you.” The man extended his broad hand and I shook it. “I’m Mauricio, and I work for Mr. Sparks. He asked me to pick you up today.”

I raised my eyebrows. Did he? “This wasn’t on the agenda.”

“I’m sorry.” Mauricio looked around, as if he’d find an answer nearby, lurking in the crowd of newly arrived. “I received the email about it this morning. It had your flight information, and—”

“I’m supposed to get a rental car.”

“No, there’s been a change of plans,” he said while shaking his head. “Mr. Sparks asked me to take care of you this weekend.”

“He did?”

“Thinks it will be easier for you and allow you to make the most of your time here. One less thing for you to think about.”

“I’m perfectly capable of driving myself.”

He hesitated. “I can call him if you’d like—”


“He’ll want to know if you’re upset.”

“It’s okay...just unexpected.” I reconsidered my reservations. It sure would be nice for someone to drive me around instead of having to navigate the city myself.One less thing...“It’s nice of him to send you over. I appreciate it.”

“Do you have any bags?”

“Just the one.” I gestured to the carousel nearby and the mountain of luggage rotating on the belt like cars on a rollercoaster. “I packed pretty light.”

“Excellent. If you’re ready, let’s get on our way.”

Mauricio insisted on getting the bag for me, then led me to the parking lot and a large black SUV. I got in the back and sank into the black leather seat, my nerves still heightened by the excitement of it all. Now that I was here, there was no turning back—the business trip had officially begun, and I was about to start the biggest journalism assignment of my life.Here goes nothing.

“I’m booked at the Hilton downtown,” I told him as we exited the airport parking lot. The warm Florida sunlight hit my face and I squinted, taking in the large palm trees lining the road and the overpasses spiraling north and south, leading away from the airport. Off in the distance, I spied the flatness of the coastline. “I don’t think it’s far from here.”

Mauricio grunted, asked me if I wanted any water, and turned on the music I requested. I took a bottle from the center console, settled into the seat, and took in the view, willing myself to relax. Even with all the excitement ahead, it was late afternoon, and I didn’t have anything on my schedule until the following morning. After checking in to the hotel, I planned to take a nap, find some dinner, and eventually get a good night’s sleep.

But when Mauricio passed the complex with the Hilton sign emblazoned on the front, he didn’t turn into the valet drop-off area. Instead, he moved the car forward to the next stoplight.

“Wait, I think we missed the turn.” I frowned as the car moved away from the large hotel, concern growing in my stomach. Another unexpected twist? “It’s back that way. The Hilton...”
