Page 51 of Off the Record

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“I do. Trust me.”

“You gonna answer that text?”

“Oh, yes.” I turned over the phone. Landon had sent two additional messages. “And more, probably.”

She studied me for a long moment. “I’m jealous, do you know that? Really jealous.”

I waved it away in mock humility. I was never someone whom people were jealous of. Never. Growing up, people mostly ignored me. But with Landon, I felt beautiful, and seen in a way I couldn’t totally explain.

So maybe my luck was changing...



My jet landed at tinyLunken Airport on the east side of Cincinnati after nine on Friday night. It was later than I wanted, and that fact annoyed me, but at least I’d kept my promise. And again, I was thankful I’d sprung for the jet and all that came with it a few years earlier when it became obvious that I needed transportation on demand. The aircraft was comfortable, quiet, and like everything else in my life, catered to my nuances and needs.

“Will you need anything in particular?” Joan, the flight attendant, asked. She sat in a small backward-facing jump seat near the cockpit entrance and her seat had a direct view of mine. “I mean...once we land.”

“No, thank you.” I zipped my laptop into its accompanying case. No-nonsense, all business. “I think we’ve got it all sorted out on the ground.”

“Good. The car is waiting in the lot.” She tightened her seatbelt and gave a small nod, her large lips puckered together, her red hair pulled back in a prim bun that highlighted her cheekbones. “And my last update from the ground crew said Miss Owens is waiting for you in the reception area of the hangar.”

“Wonderful. You do a great job taking care of all my requests, Joan.”

“Whatever you desire, Mr. Sparks. I’m happy to accommodate it.” She bit back a smile and looked away. “You know that.”

Joan didn’t add anything else, but she didn’t have to. The fact was, we already had some history together, a history I deeply regretted. A few months earlier, when I was alone with her on the plane, I locked the cockpit door and guided her into the small back bedroom, where she proceeded to suck my dick at thirty thousand feet. She’d been willing and more than capable, but I’d known it was wrong, and it exposed me to more than one potential lawsuit. Screwing a subordinate was sloppy for a CEO like me, but I hadn’t been able to stop myself, a victim of my loneliness and hollow existence. Now, there was no way I could fire her—do that and she’d likely go public with what I’d done, putting all I’d built at risk.

As the plane landed, I cringed. I didn’t like that person, the one I’d been a few months before—an entitled asshole who tore through life doing whatever he wanted, whenever he wanted. I wanted to stop being that way, and truth be told, it was something I’d wanted for a long time. An empty life of meaningless sexual relationships buffeted by a demanding career didn’t suit me anymore. I wanted...


No question about that one.

When I walked into the hangar reception area a few minutes later, she sat on one of the large blue leather couches, a glass of water in her hand. She leapt to her feet when she saw me. “Um...hey there.”
