Page 79 of Off the Record

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My hand trembled as I found Landon’s phone number in the contact list, punched the number to call, and raised it to my ear.

He answered on the second ring. “Hey there. Finally.”

“You fired Robert?” The words were thick in my mouth. I was a ball of confusion and shock, but in some ways those feelings had become my natural state in the last few weeks. “Why?”

“It was him,” Landon replied simply. “He was the one who did this to you. Did this to us.”

“He did?” I gasped. Of all the explanations I’d gone over in my mind, Robert Grayson was the last person I would have blamed for the sex tape release. “But...why?”

“It’s complicated.” Landon’s voice was dismissive and flat, as if he’d already resigned himself to whatever was about to happen.He must be so angry.As far as I could tell, Robert had been his right-hand man. For years. “Can I see you?”

“Tonight?” I wavered. “I don’t know...”

“Please,” he pleaded. “I know I don’t deserve your company, and you have plenty of reasons to hate me, to never want to see me...” His voice turned more strained and urgent. “But I’m already in Atlanta on business. And I...I can be in Cincinnati less than two hours from now.”

“It’s just...I keep thinking...”

“Please. Let me see you tonight. We can’t...don’t make this the last moment between us. Talk to me in person.”

I stared at the TV screen, my thoughts turning over in my mind. I had so much I wanted to say, so much I wanted to hear from him. And no, despite my anger and shame, I didn’t want things to be over between us. “Okay. I will.”

“You won’t regret this.” Landon sounded relieved for the first time in our conversation. “You won’t.”

I could only hope he was right.



“We’ll be on the groundin ninety seconds,” the pilot said as we made our final approach to Luken Airport. I pressed my body into the seat, closed my eyes, and took one more deep breath. I was ready. This was it. Rebecca was the key to my future, and if all went as I hoped, I’d be given another chance to secure it. Thank God she’d agreed to speak with me; thank God she wasn’t totally shutting me out.

I found what I’ve been missing, and I’ll do anything to keep it. To keep her.

Rebecca waited for me in the reception area of the hangar, a little thinner than the last time I saw her, more drawn, and sallow. I hated that was probably due to me and the fucking disaster Robert created. I wanted this woman, and more than that, I wanted to protect her from the kind of stress she’d likely gone through over the last few weeks.

“I’m glad you agreed to meet me here,” I told her when there was less than a foot of space between us. Even though I’d practiced what I was going to say a half dozen times during the fight, there was still a frog in my throat, and I struggled, knowing how much was riding on my next few words. I’d almost lost this woman, but I was determined never to come close to that happening again. “I’m...I’m sorry.”
