Page 9 of Scarred Devil

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I need to start thinking about meeting my new bride.


“Boss, our men are holding Garret in the basement,” Petrov announces and I sit up.

I suddenly find myself burning with rage when I hear his words. Fucking Garret has betrayed the code and more. He will pay dearly for it. I stand, and my scar twitches. By the time I'm done with him, he will wish he had never crossed my path.

I step out from behind my desk and leave the office. Petrov follows. My thoughts are on the idiot who thought he could steal my money…in addition to his previous offense.

An offense that no one else knows about.

It doesn’t take long for me to get into the elevator with Petrov. I press the button that will take us straight to the basement.

Moments later, the elevator stops, and I step out. Some of my men are scattered around the bare room, but my eyes are fixed on the traitor in the middle. My men have hung him from his wrists. His face is almost unrecognizable, and I have no doubt it is the result of Petrov’s handiwork.

“Cut him down. I need to have a word,” I say as one of my men brings a stool for me to sit on.

I sit and watch as they hack through the rope holding Garret’s hands. He falls with a loud thud, choking out a groan.

“Please, Boss,” Garret says as he hurriedly scrambles to his feet. I stare at him with disinterest as he keeps pleading. His voice is starting to sound like bad music to my ears.

“Shut your mouth,” Petrov says, aiming a sharp punch to his face. Garret doubles over, then returns to his knees before me.

“Where is my money?” I ask as I draw out my pocketknife and feign interest in it. I watch Garret tremble, but his fear doesn’t move me.

“Boss,” Garret stammers.

I raise my head until I’m staring at him. He shrinks back, but Petrov kicks him from behind until he returns to his knees.

“You know I don’t like repeating myself,” I say as I play with the knife in my hand.

“I…I…,” Garret stammers before he starts sobbing. I nod at Petrov for the next step. “Boss, please…,” Garret says as Petrov brings another stool and places it before me.

I wait for Petrov as he pushes Garret forward and places one of his palms on the stool.

“Where the fuck is my money?” I say before I bring the knife to his right wrist. Petrov holds his hand down while two of the others force him to remain on his knees.

“No!” he screams. “Please, Boss, I swear…” He’s babbling, his voice pitching high. It pitches higher still as I put pressure onto the razor-sharp blade and trace a fine line down his skin. A stream of blood trickles from the shallow gash that opens, splashing my trousers, and shoes.

“Now look what you’ve done,” I snarl looking down at my clothing. “These are thousand-dollar loafers.”

He babbles incoherently for a moment, growing more urgent as I raise the blade over his finger.

“You think you can steal my money and gamble it away?”

“No, no, no, no, noooo…” he sobs. “I’ll return the money!”

“Where will you get it from?” I sneer. “From the people you’ve been selling our business secrets to?” Garret’s eyes widen in shock. I know Petrov is also surprised at this new revelation.

No one knows that Garret has not only been a thief, but he’s also the bastard who has been selling us out. It’s been two weeks since I learned of Garret’s betrayal. Two weeks in which I’ve been giving him enough rope to hang himself.And now he crowns it by stealing my money.

“Surprised, huh?” I ask. Garret starts shaking his head rapidly. His lips are moving, spittle flecking them.

“Please, forgive me, Boss! I’ll never do that again. I swear it!” He pleads frantically.

“No, you won’t,” I say, and I mean it. I turn to Petrov. “You know what to do.” Petrov nods.

Garret seems to have realized what’s coming next because he starts screaming in earnest.
