Page 10 of Scarred Devil

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“Please, Boss! I swear…I swear… Oh, God, please, no!” His words stream into an incoherent wail of terror as understanding begins to dawn. He struggles to leave the chair, but he is bound too firmly to move. I stand and walk toward him, sneering, before wiping my fingers clean of his blood.

“See you in hell,” I whisper into his ear before I step back and walk out of the basement. His screams continue to echo in the hallway as I close the door behind me.

The bastard deserves his fate. As repulsive as these exercises are, they’re necessary. I’ve learned the hard way what happens when you show weakness.

I’m never making that mistake again.

And Garret will be a lesson to anyone who tries to double-cross me.



“Get out of my way,” I tell the man blocking my path.

It has been over twenty-four hours since I locked myself in my room, hoping my father would change his mind about the marriage. Mrs. Latha has been bringing food for me, but I haven’t set foot over the threshold.

I was just starting to think that perhaps, just once in this damn life, my father had come to his senses when someone knocked on the door. But it wasn’t him; just Mrs. Latha with a tray, looking anxious. And behind her, I found one of my father’s thugs standing at my door, blocking my way. I tried moving past him, but he stood in front of me.

“I’m afraid I’m just following the Don’s orders, Miss,” the man explains, his features stoic. I gape at him in shock.

“The Don asked you not to allow me to leave my room?” I question. He nods in response.

What in the actual fuck?

I’m under house arrest now?

I burn in anger and release a low growl.

“So, you’re saying I’m a prisoner here?” I question, not expecting an answer. “Take me to my father,” I demand. He stares at me blankly. “I want to speak with him. Now!” I grit my teeth as I say it. The man continues to stare, unfazed.

I’m about to open my mouth to say something colorful when he presses the comms device connected to his ear.

“Alright, Don,” he says. “Understood.”

I frown, wondering if my father has been listening all along. I try not to dwell on it, though.

“Please, follow me,” the man says.

“Finally,” I mutter as he starts leading me down the hall to my father’s study. I continue to fume as I follow the man, wondering what’s next.


I wish I had refused to return to this place when my father demanded it. I should have known that there was a strong reason behind it. So stupid for holding out hope that the man who fathered me might have had a change of heart. That he might have even a tiny shred of feeling for me. But how could I have imagined he would want to marry me off to the most ruthless man on the planet?

When we reach my father’s study, I barge in without knocking.

“What is the meaning of this?” I snap without pausing. I know my anger has blindsided me, and I am no longer thinking rationally. If I was, I certainly wouldn’t be speaking to my father this way.

He glances up from the document he is going through and stares at me with his brows raised.

“Don?” I hear the man who has brought me here. I hadn’t even realized he was still in the study.

My father waves his hand in his direction, signaling for him to leave. I hear the door close, but my eyes remain fixed on my father.

“The next time you talk to me like that in front of my men, I’ll have your tongue,” he says with a cold voice that causes me to shiver. I think of his words, and I know my father would go to any length to have anyone under his will. I want to believe he is bluffing about cutting out my tongue, but I know better than that.

“Why am I under house arrest?” I ask in a low voice. He stares at me for a while before replying.
