Page 126 of The Curacao Christmas

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My worst tendency of not thinking things through was going to derail everything yet again.

He blinked, shook his head for a moment as if he didn’t quite believe his eyes. “You…you’re here.”

I nodded slowly.

“I’ve been here a little over a month.” I put the camera down behind me, almost instantly regretting not having something in my hands to play with. “Do you need help with the tie? Or are we doing a few without? The notes just say professional headshot. You get to pick the one used, so...”

I shrugged a shoulder, trying to be cool and nonchalant even though my heart was pounding like I was running the Boston Marathon.

I wondered if he realized how nervous I was. At least my voice wasn’t giving me away.

How for the first time since we’d met, he was throwing me completely off my guard.

His gaze locked on mine, disbelief on his face as he shook his head one more time.

“How did you get here?”

“To work this morning? I drove.” I led him over to the stool in front of the dark charcoal gray backdrop. He sat down. I took the tie from him and moved him to the side a little.

I went back to the table and set his tie down.

“You know what I mean.”

“I decided to take a chance. So, Lucas...what type of headshot were you looking for?” I asked, going over and closing the door to the studio.


“You're wearing your shirt, and I'm not sure how well abs would work for a lawyer.”

“Can we talk after? Dinner?”



I sighed. I was free. “Okay. Now, how about we take some photos?”

I needed to feel like I could regain some control, and with the camera in hand, I would.

He nodded.

I picked up my camera, checked the settings, and took a few test shots to test things out. I adjusted the lighting, he checked his hair, and we got to work.

I could feel his gaze on every move I made. I tried to keep my focus on my job, but I had to admit a few times I looked up just to see that he was really there. That we were both in the same space again. I caught his eye a few times and that twinkle was there, that little spark that I’d realized was there just for me.

Forty-five minutes later, I’d taken dozens of different photos. He’d stood for a few, and we’d changed backdrops a few times.

I headed back to the table, turning the camera out and hooking everything to the monitor to give him a quick preview as I brought them up on the large monitor on the wall. I motioned to them, and he stood there commenting, pointing a few he really liked right away, including the one of him standing. I made a quick note of the numbers.

“I'll get these to you asap,” I said, surprised to see him standing so close to me. Less than a foot away, I could almost smell his minty breath. I knew if I breathed deep enough, I’d smell his familiar cologne.

“It's fine.” He assured me, glancing back at the monitor again.

“I'll text you later this afternoon. Still the same number?”

“Still the same number. Haven't gotten around to changing it.”

I’d never had the heart to change mine, either, somehow hoping that maybe some night he’d reach out in a text. Or I’d get the nerve to text him…but my nerve had never gotten to that point, even on the flight to LA when I thought I would…
