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“What did you bring me here for?”

I looked at her in disbelief. What did she think I brought her here for?

She was my best friend, my everything if I thought about it too damn much. She was the one person I wanted to spend every moment with, whether she was pushing my buttons or not. I took a deep breath.

“So we could hang out like we used to. I know we’re both busy. I miss you…a lot…a whole helluva lot.” I looked her in the eye, trying to get through to her and through whatever little movie she had playing in her head. “I want you to be free of your crazy schedule for a while so you can relax and recharge and whatever else you want to do. But whatever you think is going on in that little movie in your head, it’s not. There’s nothing going on. If Dominique thinks I’m interested in her, she’s wrong. If you think I like her, you’ve never been more wrong on anything in your life…”

“You think so?”

She didn’t sound convinced, and I didn’t know what to do to convince her otherwise. Other than suddenly declaring my undying love...which everything within me was screaming not the time. I didn’t need to mess things up more than they already were.

“I know so.”

“Why did you pack condoms?”

Huh? I honestly gave my head a shake. “What?”

Where on did she even know that?

“You packed them. Evidently, you thought you’d need them.”

Hoped. The word almost slipped out, but I stopped myself before I could fall down that troublesome path. I ran a hand through my hair, taking a deep breath and looking at the empty parking lot around us.

“They’re literally always in my suitcase.”

“Uh huh.”

Her lack of belief was astounding.

Or maybe my acting was that shitty.


“Your dresser drawer isn’t your suitcase, Lucas…”

“Wait what…were you going through my dresser?”

“That’s not important.”


“That morning you walked out naked…I was checking to see if your wallet was still there, I thought maybe you took off. So if they’re in your dresser…” She raised an eyebrow, letting the rest of it go unsaid, that I was apparently planning on needing them.

“I grabbed my clothes by the handful from the suitcase and tossed them in the drawer,” I said honestly. “I didn’t know…” I’d honestly figured they were still in the suitcase, where they’d likely still be ’til I got home…and remain there.

“Look, sleep with whoever you want…” She crossed her arms in front of her.

I watched her bottom lip stick out slightly.

I wanted to groan, to wipe a hand over my face and try to talk some sense into her. But how could I? There was no way to win this without admitting the only woman I wanted was her…and she was in no mood to believe me.

I was in a total lose-lose situation.

The silence dragged on a few more moments, then suddenly, she lifted her hand and let herself out, slamming the door not so gently behind her. I winced as the sound echoed through the parking lot.

I just prayed we’d make it through the day.

I didn’t come all this way for us to self-destruct.
