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By the time I’d caught up to Abbie, she had a coffee in one hand from one of the nearby little shops and her phone in the other. Dominique appeared a few minutes later, her now familiar polo short and a pair of blue denim shorts on. She greeted us both and shared the itinerary for the day. The flamingo sanctuary, lunch, and then we’d decide what we felt like.

I was sure if that was the case, Abbie’s choice would be slamming a door in my face…and throwing Dominique into a pool…or whatever was handy.

Abbie nodded her agreement, flamingos first. She’d brought it up on her phone and managed to sound a half bit interested in it when Dominique asked her a few questions as we headed to the tour van. But if I said anything?

I was met with complete and utter silence, like I didn’t even exist.

I just wanted this morning to go well. Maybe if it did, Abbie would finally come around. She’d see that there was nothing between me and our guide—I wasn’t interested in anyone.

I thought the morning went well. Dominique left us on our own for most of it, only checking in here and there as we moved through the sanctuary. I caught a few glares Abbie aimed her way when she got too close to me. I raised an eyebrow back at her, and she turned around, looking pissed. Why on Earth was Abbie so upset?

I couldn’t figure it out.

I’d never seen her jealous before in my life. In all the time I’d known her, nada.

I’d thought getting a guide was going to be a great idea for us. We could see all there was to see. We’d have someone to show us things we shouldn’t miss. Someone to help her get all those amazing photos. I was hoping she’d find a use for her photos—maybe she’d be able to submit them somewhere. Something that would give her a boost. Even if only mentally and nothing else.

I just couldn’t figure out why she was mad.

She was basically glowering at me half the time. She barely smiled when we were touring places, hiding behind the lens of her camera over and over again. Occasionally, she’d catch me looking at her, then she’d force a smile.

I’d known her long enough to know when the smile was real and when it was fake, and she was sporting that fake smile half the time.

I was tempted to text Marnie and see if she knew what was going on. Because I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t want the trip ruined, especially before Christmas.

At this rate, we wouldn’t even be speaking by the time we got on the plane back.

Abbie disappeared into the gift shop to pick something up for Marnie, and I sighed, leaning back in the chair. I picked up my phone, looking at the tentative schedule for the rest of the day. I didn’t think it was going to be a wise idea.

Dominique sat across from me. “What are you thinking?”

“Maybe we’ll skip the rest of today?” I said, glancing towards the gift shop. I could see Abbie deep in conversation with the cashier.

“Okay. Boating tomorrow, then? We can go out to Pirates Bay.” She brought up her phone, texting away. “I can get the boat at nine a.m., and we can spend the day on the water…Abbie is fine on the beach, no?”

I glanced at her. “Maybe we’ll just go snorkeling again…check out a few of the bays, then come back mid-afternoon? I’ll get Abbie and I reservations somewhere early, we can go check out the Christmas decorations after, go back by the tree. She really loves that.”

She nodded. “Okay. Same dock as yesterday, then.”

“Sounds like a good idea. See you tomorrow.”

She leaned over and kissed my cheek. I didn’t think much of it; it was probably a local custom. “See you bright and early.”

I nodded.


Abbie had barely blinked when I told her the afternoon was ours. She’d set her shopping bags in the back of the Jeep and climbed in without a word.

“Where do you want to go?” I asked her. “There’s a whole lot of beaches with our names on them.”

“Whatever’s close.”

“How about our private beach?” I said, pulling out into traffic.

