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This felt like it was headed straight for a fling... What happened after that...after one night with Lucas...?

Panic hit me.

Maybe it was the alcohol...or hell, maybe it was the haze clearing, but this, suddenly, his hand on my hip, my leg wrapped so intimately around his, barely a breath of space between us, his erection pressing against me...I knew where we were headed.


Lots and lots of mind-blowing sex.

“I can’t...” My bottom lip trembled as I looked back into his heated gaze, a rush of panic washing over me like a cold shower. “We can’t...not right now.”

His eyes widened for a moment as he looked at me, his breath ragged. “Abs...”

God, he was gorgeous.

I needed to stop thinking with my hormones.

It was going to get me in trouble.

Sleeping with Lucas was going to be nothing but trouble.

But trouble could be so,sogood.

I needed a voice of sanity.

I knew I needed to get out of there.

This was not how I imagined the first time for Lucas and me.

Fine, so I’d imagined that scenario plenty of times over the years and a lot more since my little peek the other day. And the inadvertent photo I’d actually snapped when he’d startled me.

But right now, this was feeling a little too rushed, a little too fling-like for me.

As much as I wanted Lucas, as long as I’d wanted Lucas...I couldn’t. I knew he was a player, that this was nothing but a fling…

I didn’t want to be just another fling to him.

That’s what Dominique was for if he wanted.

She was more than ready, willing, and able.

With that thought, I pushed back away from him and ducked down in the water, swimming away before he could reach out and stop me.

I didn’t want him to try to reason with me. I didn’t want him to kiss me again, because those lips and that mouth of his were going to get me in trouble. They could likely get me to agree to anything the longer I was close to him like that.

I surfaced near the steps and hurried out of the water, feeling his heated gaze still on me, and it took everything in me not to look back. I reached for my robe, thankful I’d brought it with me, and hurried inside as fast as I could. It didn’t even feel like my bare feet touched the floor during the rush back to my room.

The moment the door closed behind me, I latched it, making it harder for me to just turn and go back out there.

I sagged back against the wall, rubbing my forehead in confusion.

Apparently, I hadn’t needed alcohol to get stupid, just Lucas and those baby blue eyes of his and our bodies touching.

The feel of his heated skin against mine took away almost any and every inhibition I’d ever had about us.

I’d figure out how to face him in the morning. Until then, it was a long, cold shower, then a nightshirt and a hopefully not long, sleepless night.

