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“Walk around?” I offered.

It was still mid-morning, but nice and warm. There was a huge Christmas tree up off over to the side that I knew I’d stop by before we left for the day. I could hear live music coming from somewhere nearby. Everyone seemed to be happy and content to be out in the gorgeous weather and celebrating the holiday here.

And I was totally no exception.

Lucas wrapped his arm around my waist. “We could try the fort. You’d probably get some great pictures there, then find a place to eat lunch t then head back to the villa for the afternoon?”

“And stop and get tiramisu for dessert on the way?”

“Of course.”

“And my beach?”

“Tomorrow? We could go to Mambo for the whole day, or check out one of the other ones. I bookmarked one of the review sites that has them all rated.”

“I knew doing this vacation together was the right thing.”

He laughed as he pulled up the map on his phone and we checked to see what was nearby. “I think we’re closest to the tree. Might as well go early then head out to the fort.”

We stopped in front of the huge Christmas tree like so many other tourists were doing. It towered up above us, beautifully decorated with all sorts of ornaments and lights. I was sure it would look beautiful at night all lit up. I’d have to make sure we came back then so we could see it all bright and colorful in the dark evening light.

Lucas took my phone from me, angling it down at us and snapping a few pictures. I smiled as he handed it back, and I tucked it into my cross-body purse. We walked deeper into the crowds of people strolling around, my hand wrapped snugly in his.

I didn’t know I could feel like this for Lucas. I’d kept my feelings hidden for so long, it was surreal right now to actually acknowledge them.

I just needed to get the courage up to actually do something about it, even after the slight disaster that had been last night.

Maybe without the threat of that woman over us, I actually, maybe, would.


We walked through the gate of the fort and were soon inside the expansive courtyard. It was amazing how thick the walls were. I snapped a few photos with my camera and looked around. There weren’t a ton of people around yet, most that were there being seated at the courtyard, which meant we wouldn’t hopefully be facing a crowd if we wanted to explore the space a little more.

I followed Lucas towards the stairs and slowly made my way up to the top, stopping to snap a couple pictures of the two of us. I’d noticed him taking more photos lately on his phone, too.

“I’m not the only photographer on the trip,” I said as he put his phone back in his pocket, a small smile on his face. I liked seeing him smile, liked knowing that I was part of the reason for the smile on his face.

“I like seeing you happy, and you never put yourself in front of the lens.”

“Rarely,” I corrected.

We stopped at the top, and I admired the view. It was gorgeous. You could see quite a ways out.

The city lay sprawled out around us. I could see a cruise ship at the harbor, towering over everything. I wondered what it was like to be on the ship.

Maybe someday, another holiday, another moment in time, I’d come back on the boat.

Lucas leaned his arms on either side of me, propping his chin on my shoulder. “Now this is definitely better than anything back home.”

“I’d have to agree with you there.”

He held his phone in front of us and took a selfie. I made a goofy face, and he snapped another picture.

“Hey, I wasn’t ready,” I said, turning around in his arms.

“Too late. Already taken, and oh, look, already posted.”

I sighed warily. “Delete it.”
