Page 24 of Cruise in Love

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Dheeraj and he had more or less grown up together in the same boarding school that was meant for orphans. They were both ten when they met. Although he and Dheeraj were very different, they became good friends. He often protected Dheeraj from bullies in their school. Later, when they graduated out of school, he had joined NCC while Dheeraj chose the traditional path.

After NCC, he had joined aeronautical engineering in a top university that was sponsored by the NCC. It was during his first-year university summer holidays that he visited Dheeraj because he needed a place to stay during the break.

That was where he met and fell in love with Tara.

It was a couple of years later when he found out Dheeraj had a crush on Tara. But by then, Tara was already his girlfriend. Dheeraj had never told him about having a crush on Tara, but he could eventually figure it out from how Dheeraj used to look at her like she was a beautiful, delicate angel to be worshipped from afar.

Tara used to tease sometimes saying she should be with Dheeraj who was sweet to her rather than with an arrogant, bossy jerk like him. He had laughed it off then because he and Tara were crazily in love and could barely imagine living a life without each other.

He was wrong.

Tara had not only picked Dheeraj over him, they married and eloped to another country. It was a betrayal that left him deeply scarred.

But despite the anger and sense of betrayal, he still felt strongly towards her.


Seven years had passed since she dumped him and married his best friend. He still had strong feelings for the stubborn woman. But it was no longer love. Just strong lust. And nothing more.

He watched her face as she slept.

He didn’t feel the urge to hold her protectively or kiss her forehead like he did in the past right after their lovemaking or when she wasn’t feeling well or when she was reminded of her late family. He now only felt the raw need to take her in a way that would have her begging and gasping and clutching him while he slaked his hunger on her lush body.

It is lust and nothing more.


Sitara woke up with a soft groan.

Her head felt heavy and her mouth felt too dry. Slowly, she opened her bleary eyes. But she had to blink twice as confusion enveloped her.

Am I dreaming?

She often dreamt of Aarav Rathod in the past seven years. The dreams were either erotic in nature or haunting nightmares that made her wake up in tears. But the current dream was too realistic. She could even see the clarity of his thick eyelashes and the short, rough stubble on his hard, masculine jawline.

Just as she was trying to categorize the strange dream, his eyes opened and met with hers.

She saw dark, intense his pupils dilate and realized it wasn’t a dream. Suddenly the events from the previous day bolted right into her mind.

“Oh my God!” she gasped out aloud and scrambled away and got out of the bed.

She ran towards the glass wall in the cabin bedroom that overlooked the ocean and stood with her back against it. The gentle rocking of the floor underneath reminded her that she was on a cruise ship with Aarav Rathod, her arrogant, bossy ex-boyfriend.

She was still wearing her emerald green dress from the previous night. But he had changed his clothes, or rather, he had removed his formal shirt. She could see his muscled chest with clearly defined abs along with a dusting of masculine hair. She couldn’t see if he had anything below since a thick blanket covered his lower body.

Oh God!

“How dare you get into my bed!” she shouted.

The jerk was shameless and didn’t look the least bit guilty.

“What time is it?” he asked in a deep sleep-husky tone.

“It’s time for you to get out of my bed and room!” she shouted. “And also, time to stop this charade! This has gone too far!”

He let out a sigh. “Calm down. Nothing happened.”

It had the opposite effect of her calming down. “Of course, something happened! We are sleeping on the same bed!”
