Page 26 of Cruise in Love

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His mouth twisted as he swept a glance over her before he turned and strode away. Her eyes automatically fell on his naked broad, muscled back and his narrow hips. She could see a long new scar on his tanned back as well.

It was only when the bedroom door shut softly behind him, her tensed body relaxed.

The bossy jerk was still sexy as hell. She wanted to jump on his back and bite his shoulder like she used to when they fought and made up.

She took deep breaths, reminding herself that she was a noted scientist known for her calm reasoning. She was no longer the kind to be driven by angry emotions and wild hormones.

Unfortunately, it didn’t help. The image of his hard, muscular body remained branded in her mind.

Oh God. How can I survive this for twelve more days!


It is torture.

It was barely the second day and Sitara already felt the presence of Aarav Rathod in her life and in her personal space again.

She wasn’t used to sharing a room with a man anymore. Even though she had been married for over five years, Dheeraj and she had separate bedrooms. And Dheeraj wasn’t the kind to encroach on her personal space and bark out orders like the bossy jerk watching her.

“Stop hurrying me!” she snapped.

“I didn’t say anything,” he drawled.

He didn’t have to say anything aloud. But his hands were folded in the front on his broad chest while he leaned against the bedroom door watching her as she scrambled around the room to find her shoes and the large tote bag she had packed earlier.

“Why can’t you wait outside in the living room?” she demanded.

“Why?” he asked in return. “Does my presence bother you?”

Yes!She wanted to scream. But she didn’t want to admit her feelings aloud.

The jerk already suspected that she was still drawn towards him. The look in his eyes made her stomach flutter, making her angry.

“I don’t like anyone hovering over me all day long!”

“Get used to it in the next twelve days,” he drawled.

She was about to walk out of the room when he blocked her way. “Where’s your smart watch?” he asked.

“I put it away for charging. Why do I need it?”

“Wear it all the time.”

She frowned. “Why? We are going to the swimming and spa area.”

“Stop arguing and wear it.”

Muttering under her breath and calling him a bossy jerk, she put on her smart watch.

“Do you have your laptop in the locker?” he asked.

“Yes.” She had placed her laptop in the safety locker inside the bedroom closet.

“Good. Now let’s go. The cleaning crew will be here.”

He waited until she stepped out of the cabin suite to shut the door and press the button that updated the status to unoccupied.

He had placed a call earlier that morning to have the cabin suite cleaned. And he also made a request to have the same people cleaning the suite until their check out.
